Notices tagged with javascript, page 4
I think... I just... added support for #JavaScript to #GNURobots? Also #Brainfuck.
I suppose it isn't really #Javascript I object to, it's !surveillance applications in web browsers, and Web devs using Javascript when #POSH would suffice
As much as I dislike #Javascript, I agree with @psema4 - it's a convenient tool for learning programming principles
♻ Scott Elcomb @psema4: My answer: Grab a $10 Raspberry Pi Zero and learn #javascript. Don't have $10? Open a web browser and learn #javascript. #webdev ¶ via #Twitter
#Javascript? No thank you.
!gnusocial es sobre #descentralización y #libertad La idea es que el usuario tenga el control de su red social y no al revés, que el contenido le pertenezca al usuario, que el servidor que ejecuta el #software asegure la integridad de los datos del usuario y que el #código detrás de cada publicación sea transaprente, auditable... En cuanto a #tor y #javascript ya es cuesti…
La mayoria de los nodos !gnusocial no permiten conectar desde #Tor y casi ninguno admite desactivar #JavaScript ¿Donde queda la #privacidad?
The text on #YouTube is still there, but obscured by #CSS which needs #Javascript to make it display. So can see it by turning off styles ("View, Page Style, No Style" in Firefox/IceCat). #Javascrippled
#IThoughtWeFixedThis: If your site doesn't work without #JavaScript, it doesn't work.
#IThoughtWeFixedThis: If your site doesn't work without #JavaScript, it doesn't work.
#IThoughtWeFixedThis: If your site doesn't work without #JavaScript, it doesn't work.
I wish #Patreon was not #JavaScrippled. It is enough to ask me to visit a site to give you money without asking me to change browser settings to do so. And, no, I am not aware of an alternative that doesn't require #JavaScript to even view the site, but if I was, I'd be more likely to support you through that site.
Reminds me of Sturgeon's Law: "90% of !SciFi is crap, but then 90% of everything is crap." So let me formulate @KZimmermann's law: "Disabling #Javascript blocks 98% of advertising, but then disabling Javascript blocks 98% of everything." #Javascrippled
It would be cool if someone implemented this for !GNUsocial - I tend to vomit when I touch #javascript though.
jquery is never served alone. If you already trust the site to deliver #Javascript then it doesn't matter if the jquery is delivered directly from the same site or from the jquery CDN. Any malicious code can be delivered in the site's Javascript. For there to be any extra security the jquery delivered from the CDN would have to be signed with a (trusted) jquery key, but I don't kn…
The system notifications can come from different sources. A "You've got mail" notification would be generated by the mail client, a "You've got virus" notification would be generated by the anti-virus software. But browser can now access the system notifications through #Javascript, so a webmail page can also send a "You've got mail" notification. And a malicious site can send "Yo…
@maiyannah Local repositories for #Javascript is a good start, but it's Javascript dependency for delivering content that really makes me sad. It's partly an accessibility issue, partly a seach engine visibility issue, partly an archiving issue. Developing a web site that's still functional without Javascript isn't that much more difficult than developing one that's intensely Java…
@kat And then there's the whole security issue that @roland touched on -- I don't want some arbitrary web site running executable code on my computer. And when that #Javascript gets pulled in from multiple sources it's easy (but wrong) to just allow the entire page to run all the scripts it wants, leaving the user vulnerable to all the Javascript that comes from shady repositories or that's embedded in malcious ads.
♻ @kat: "Also, surely asking the client to run the code to build the pages is better design than making everything happen server side." That may be true if you're running an underpowered server that can't generate pages, but not for the user with a lightweight browser. Using #Javascript as the sole means to present content breaks the model of Content={text;video;audio}, Semantic…