Notices tagged with tor
Please remember to only use #Tor Browser to search for medical information for relatives (or other information whose sharing-via-a-search-field would be an illegal breach of their privacy):
Get !Freenet 1490 via #Tor: http://www.lysator7eknrfl47rlyxvgeamrv7ucefgrrlhk7rouv3sna25asetwid.onion/pub/freenet/fred-releases/build01490/
@mangeurdenuage Yrs, I agree. Operating as a #Tor onion site would likely be safe. Same for a garlic ( #I2P ) site.
@mangeurdenuage Something like #CloudFlare's never-ending CAPTCHA against #Tor users?
Going to try out #OnionShare ... file-sharing over a #Tor hidden service. After I log into #sonTwo's server and grab some files.
We're having trouble with it, so I'm going to flatten it and then let him rebuild.
@1iceloops123 Do they block #Tor and #VPN connections?
@ajroach42 #I2P doesn't connect as well to outside sites, so where you may use #Tor to anonymize browsing of clearnet sites, you'd usually use I2P to visit eepsites (and according to what I'm told, torrenting is a big part of I2P use).
I did not find a large enough number or variety of eepsites to retain my interest, but there could be many more that did not show up in the directory my browser used.
- #BBC is available as a #tor hidden service https://www.bbcnewsv2vjtpsuy.onion/
Die Versuche Tauschbörsen zu stoppen: Napster über edonkey und Gnutella bis #BitTorrent #i2p #Tor #Freenet:
You're right, of course. Requiring a non- !Tor connection before allowing !Tor connections defeats the whole purpose of !anonymity. I should have read your previous message all the way through.
Join the conversations on the !LibrePlanet #Ontario mailing list at I do have an !XMPP #JID at And #Freenode supports !Tor connections again:
@bob "Russian lawmakers move to ban VPNs and Internet anonymizers" !anonymity !justice #tor #darknet !crypto
@gargron through #Tor .(
@dredmorbius But at least you can use #tor against most instances afaik. !GNUsocial also works hard on avoiding third party servers, so no external javascript (also compatible without javascript at all) as well as locally stored media. Not even third party servers with a misleading domain name (i.e. Amazon S3 on a subdomain.service.example DNS).
!GnuPG 2.1.18 released - better !Tor integration, code cleanup, bug fixes.
!gnusocial es sobre #descentralización y #libertad La idea es que el usuario tenga el control de su red social y no al revés, que el contenido le pertenezca al usuario, que el servidor que ejecuta el #software asegure la integridad de los datos del usuario y que el #código detrás de cada publicación sea transaprente, auditable... En cuanto a #tor y #javascript ya es cuesti…
La mayoria de los nodos !gnusocial no permiten conectar desde #Tor y casi ninguno admite desactivar #JavaScript ¿Donde queda la #privacidad?
Ich habe mal wieder was gebloggt (und es hat gar nicht weh getan :))
#tor !privacy !linux !security
You're likely seeing the connection of #TorBrowser (or the Tor proxy daemon) to the first hop on the !Tor network. The first hop does know your IP address, but hides it from the second hop. This is working as designed.
I think that in their haste to release the patch for the FBI bug, Mozilla screwed up about:preferences. Anyone else having the same issue in their !firefox (and !tor browser)?