Notices tagged with javascript, page 3
I don't know what Bugsnaq is, and I probably will not ever know. Their site is #JavaScrippled, so unless one allows some completely random site to run #JavaScript ( #JabbaShit ) in your browser, you'll never see it. Too bad, too! Their article on integrating #Tmux and #Vim sounds like it would be very much worth reading. ... until you rem…
@vegos A lot of US newspaper sites use JS ( #JabbaShit / #JavaScript ) to obscure their articles, saying "turn off anonymous browsing or log in now". Usually #Dillo works fine (layout is a little funky, but the article content is still readable).
@strypey What? Someone is surprised that users are hostile to the idea of mining currency on their computers without their express permission? (Yet another reason not to allow #JabbaShit / #JavaScript to run by default. #NoScript)
Excited at the prospect of random sites spinning my CPU and fans running #WebAssembly in addition to #JavaScript, because now I won't be able to find out what they're doing.
@sim I've found that sites with a lot of #JavaScript will do that, but that can even happen with 2-3 tabs.
I was thinking about playing with #SSB, but every app I see requires #NPM (and presumably #Node.js). I'm not looking with the idea of having a pile of #JabbaShit #JavaScript potentially listening on an external interface.
- [sbsun . com]
If it complains about your ad-blocker, just turn off #JavaScript and you’ll be able to read the page.
!SoCal sees 100K+ increase in jobs. [daily bulletin . com] !econusa
Site attempts to block 'private' browsing. Just turn off #JavaScript and the problem goes away. #JabbaShit
@sean Not a fan, but it isn't much beyond what contemporary sites' #Jabbashit #JavaScript becomes after minimizing and compression.
#Emacs for #Javascript with #skewer: connects to the browser; minimal setup (add js2-mode hook).
#Javascript map with index looks pretty cool:, index) => makeReq(url, index)) /vs/ => makeReq(url))
#JavaScript Isn't #Scheme
Immutable function arguments and variables #java #javascript #fortran
@tregeagle Bloomberg thinks I'm a bot - they say because of the "suspicious activity" of disabling #JavaScript - so I can't say for sure, but I'm guessing they are assuming their readership has some prior knowledge of the workings of government bonds, central banks, and the banking system as a whole. I understand a lot of that stuff now, but only as a consequence of being int…
1. Nobody should need client-side code just to read some text. 2. #JavaScript, and mature libraries like #JQuery should be operating system packages, not bundled with apps or downloaded on the fly. 3. <script license=""> 4. Browsers should allow (or default to) swapping out non-free JS libraries with free equivalents. 5. _Then_ you can w…
From the 2018 Free Software Bulletin: learn about the darkside of #JavaScript, and how you can escape the JavaScript trap with #LibreJS:
Do it the other way round: Display the 2FA box, but hide it if #Javascript detects no 2FA enabled. That way people who don't browse with Javascript can still access the box.
Trapped by the #IoT? Check out @rabimba's talk from #LibrePlanet on freeing yourself from walled gardens with #JavaScript