Notices tagged with faif
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Mar-2019 21:54:53 EDT Matthew Davidson
@tregeagle As you probably know, Karen Sandler (Software Freedom Conservancy, GNOME, etc.) agonised over her proprietary defibrillator. In a recent #FaiF episode, she recounted how she delayed getting the (pre-WiFi, thankfully) implant for quite a while, and would be confronted by friends in tears who simply could not understand her problem with the device that was expected t… -
Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at (bobjonkmanformer)'s status on Friday, 13-Jan-2017 16:12:47 EST Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at
I'm no fan of Moxie's position on keeping Signal in a non- #FAIF silo. Yes, federating a communications medium is hard; and federating a communications medium *securely* may only be possible for sufficiently low values of "secure". -
Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at (bobjonkmanformer)'s status on Wednesday, 11-Jan-2017 16:59:18 EST Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at
<sigh> I hope the RHEL banner just means #FreeAsInGratis, not #FreeAsInFreedom. As an enterprise customer, I still value #FAIF, and am willing to pay for that. -
Bob Jonkman (bobjonkman2)'s status on Tuesday, 05-Jul-2016 15:37:17 EDT Bob Jonkman
Yahoo! Mail has tweaked their settings again, and is now rejecting mail from at least one mailing list I run. I've sent the affected people a notice off-list to let them know Yahoo! Mail is broken, and I'd like to recommend a secure, encrypted, and #FAIF e-mail provider to them. Any suggestions? -
Bob Jonkman (bobjonkman2)'s status on Monday, 20-Jun-2016 01:13:11 EDT Bob Jonkman
@kzimmermann But none of those ( #Facebook, #Whatsapp, #Instagram, #Linkedin, #Microsoft) were ever #FAIF. So I don't see what difference a few acquisitions makes for the free individual. -
Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at (bobjonkmanformer)'s status on Saturday, 22-Nov-2014 16:22:38 EST Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at
The original Fraunhofer patent on MP3 expired in 2012, so MP3s should be #FAIF in most countries -
Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at (bobjonkmanformer)'s status on Thursday, 20-Nov-2014 06:13:23 EST Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at
Time flies! It's #UCAday again! Thanx to @SergioDJ & @BAlleyne for restarting !LibrePlanet in Ontario again. I know that !Ubuntu may not be as #FAIF as you'd like, but without !FreeSoftware there would be no Ubuntu and many people would never have been introduced to the idea of software freedom -
Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at (bobjonkmanformer)'s status on Thursday, 20-Nov-2014 06:08:30 EST Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at
Time flies! It's #UCAday again! Thanx to @SergioDJ & @BAllayne for restarting !LibrePlanet in Ontario again. I know that !Ubuntu may not be as #FAIF as you'd like, but without !FreeSoftware there would be no Ubuntu and many people would never have been introduced to the idea of software freedom -
Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at (bobjonkmanformer)'s status on Sunday, 25-May-2014 20:10:35 EDT Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at
Toronto Freenet *is* an ISP: And they've got a Free package that's both #FAIF and #Gratis (but dial-up) #TorFree -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Wednesday, 22-May-2013 11:49:06 EDT laurelrusswurm
@mcnalu @windigo When people who understand the importance of !FreeSoftware choose non-free, it doesn't bode well for the future of #FAIF -
ruiseabra (ruiseabra)'s status on Saturday, 02-Feb-2013 12:18:41 EST ruiseabra
@larjona pay attention to the #faif oggcast, I'm sure it'll be there soon :-) !FOSDEM -
ruiseabra (ruiseabra)'s status on Saturday, 02-Feb-2013 12:18:41 EST ruiseabra
@larjona pay attention to the #faif oggcast, I'm sure it'll be there soon :-) !FOSDEM -
Georg C. F. Greve (greve)'s status on Friday, 14-Dec-2012 10:58:39 EST Georg C. F. Greve
A message (not only, but also) for the weekend by the #EC's Vice President: #faif #open #software #standards -
fontana (fontana)'s status on Friday, 07-Dec-2012 13:54:00 EST fontana
I don't think I caught even one use of "folks" on this #FaiF episode. Thank you for listening to your listener community! !notatroll -
fontana (fontana)'s status on Friday, 07-Dec-2012 13:54:00 EST fontana
I don't think I caught even one use of "folks" on this #FaiF episode. Thank you for listening to your listener community! !notatroll -
Georg C. F. Greve (greve)'s status on Monday, 19-Nov-2012 07:08:29 EST Georg C. F. Greve
Finally managed to upload the slides for my "Wizards" talk at the OpenSuSE Conference in Prague: #why #faif #matters -
wtebbens (wtebbens)'s status on Saturday, 17-Nov-2012 12:49:39 EST wtebbens
@bramalab @zotz the Open definition not equal to the Free one. e.g. "open knowledge" or OER is used also to include NC and ND. I <3 #FaiF -
Evan Prodromou (evan)'s status on Saturday, 10-Nov-2012 17:10:23 EST Evan Prodromou
Really enjoying @fontana in #faif 0x33. -
Evan Prodromou (evan)'s status on Saturday, 18-Aug-2012 11:52:42 EDT Evan Prodromou
@mlinksva and yes just listened to #FaiF -
wtebbens (wtebbens)'s status on Friday, 20-Jul-2012 03:10:23 EDT wtebbens
In a voluntary copy-right system, everyone has the right to use, study, modify, copy, distribute. #freeknowledge !fk !cc #FaiF