wtebbens on identi.ca
This remote profile is registered on another site; see wtebbens's original profile page on identi.ca.
wtebbens (wtebbens)'s status on Saturday, 17-Nov-2012 12:49:39 EST wtebbens
@bramalab @zotz the Open definition not equal to the Free one. e.g. "open knowledge" or OER is used also to include NC and ND. I <3 #FaiF -
wtebbens (wtebbens)'s status on Thursday, 15-Nov-2012 10:58:43 EST wtebbens
@zotz "open" may include that, while "free" has stronger protections. In any case Goteo.org is imho the best commons oriented crowdf. platf -
wtebbens (wtebbens)'s status on Thursday, 15-Nov-2012 10:11:17 EST wtebbens
If you want to #crowdfund your #OpenHardware design, !CC content or #FLOSS softw. project, Goteo.org is for you #freeknowledge !fk #commons -
wtebbens (wtebbens)'s status on Saturday, 21-Jul-2012 13:56:30 EDT wtebbens
Without copryright, we need other mechanisms to assure copyleft regulation. Value driven communities can include them in Code of Conduct -
wtebbens (wtebbens)'s status on Friday, 20-Jul-2012 03:13:47 EDT wtebbens
Without #copyright, there's no #copyleft either. Ethics demand respect for attribution & access to source. http://ur1.ca/9t1pf !fk !cc -
wtebbens (wtebbens)'s status on Friday, 20-Jul-2012 03:10:23 EDT wtebbens
In a voluntary copy-right system, everyone has the right to use, study, modify, copy, distribute. #freeknowledge !fk !cc #FaiF -
wtebbens (wtebbens)'s status on Wednesday, 18-Jul-2012 05:09:53 EDT wtebbens
@dhraakellian: "copyright is a symptom of capitalism." !FS, !CC, & copyleft are legal hacks to treat that symptom. !FK