Notices tagged with beaglebone
I've been wanting to get a #BeagleBone AI for a while. I saw one for sale, so I ordered it. I can't find an MSRP, but I can guess that I paid more than that.
I think there are still a couple of projects around making a !RasPi, #BeagleBone, or similar SBC the host of one's primary online presence. I just don't think that--given asymmetrical connection speeds and ISP interference--it is a workable solution, even in most Western countries. When you consider the poor countries where the only Internet service is mobile devices, there's n…
The problems I've had with the Pi and USB are related to ethernet usage. Though I've mostly started using #BeagleBone instead of #RaspberryPi as they provide libre licensed schematics.
Reviving my #BeagleBone and putting it on solar power.
How to get started with the #BeagleBone Black, the $45 1GHz ARM Linux machine.