Timeline for foxtrotgps list by rozzin, page 2
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Monday, 30-May-2022 10:13:38 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
Up From The Depths Reviews: War of the Gargantuas (1966) https://youtube.com/watch?v=B0Yso7yGdmM #kaiju #movie #review -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Sunday, 22-May-2022 17:17:39 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
This may just be the best-written article ever: "In Defence of the Single Page Application" #javascript #webdesign !hack -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Sunday, 22-May-2022 17:10:43 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
See also: https://singpolyma.net/2015/07/christian-faith-and-copyfreedom/ from @singpolyma@singpolyma.net -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Thursday, 19-May-2022 23:39:04 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
"Theological Cultural Analysis of the Free Software Movement" https://www.gerv.net/writings/christianity-and-fsm/tca-fsm.html -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Tuesday, 17-May-2022 14:59:15 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
I don't know why so many people are even using #Microsoft VisualStudio for decidedly non-Microsoft development..., but here's how to get them to stop messing up your EOFs: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44704968/visual-studio-code-insert-new-line-at-the-end-of-files -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Wednesday, 11-May-2022 10:11:36 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
#commandline #pizza https://github.com/coryarcangel/Pizza-Party-0.1.b (I wonder what it'd take to revive it...) -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Wednesday, 20-Apr-2022 10:10:32 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
Interesting—apparently there's a #Telephone #Museum in Warner, !NH: https://www.nhtelephonemuseum.org/ -
LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} (lnxw48a1)'s status on Saturday, 19-Feb-2022 23:20:53 EST LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864}
Internet Messaging ( #IM ) over congested networks https://blog.lewman.com/internet-messaging-versus-congested-network.html
!xmpp !xmpp
#Matrix #Briar #Wire #Discord -
Joshua Judson Rosen joined the group XMPP.
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Tuesday, 04-Jan-2022 11:39:17 EST Joshua Judson Rosen
New year, time again to try cleaning house. Finally removing people from my #IM roster whom I know I'm really never going to be in contact with again. Newyear's resolution: try to finally accept that dead friends are really gone? https://status.hackerposse.com/attachment/23933 -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Saturday, 25-Dec-2021 14:35:45 EST Stephen Sekula
A joyous day. 378 years ago, Isaac Newton was born. He laid the firmest foundations for the laws of mechanics, which today were used to launch a new space telescope. That telescope was made possible, in part, thanks to his foundations for optics. This new instrument will help us understand the first stars in the universe. -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Wednesday, 22-Dec-2021 23:32:53 EST Joshua Judson Rosen
Saw this funny #christmas #sweater last time I went out to the mall: https://www.target.com/p/men-s-home-alone-filthy-animal-pullover-sweater-black/-/A-82753147