Notices tagged with review
Up From The Depths Reviews: War of the Gargantuas (1966) #kaiju #movie #review
I want to be positive, but Jesus Christ that was terrible. A plot would be nice. Or failing that, just some running around in corridors. Come back Terry Nation, all is forgiven! I'd sooner rewatch Time Flight than this thin gruel. Looked expensive though. So, there's that. #DrWho S12E06 #review
- #erroresfatales #invasionesletales #review así es como me rendí antes del turno 30; aunque no es inteligente invadir tan pronto en una partida, si engañas a tu contrario ganas rapidísimo, aunque claro, pierde belleza y gracia toda la cosa. Acto seguido miré un par de variaciones para saber qué hacer la próxima vez que me pase eso. #go #weiqi #baduk !go
A thorough #review of the #movie "District 9"—for parents:
Have you read already the 11-page #review of Louis Segal: "The perils and promises of global !history: new ideas on a usable past" about "Linked labor histories: New England, Colombia, and the making of a global working class" by Noam !Chomsky 's daughter Aviva ?
today is #review day: 3 done, 2 to go… #publishOrPerish
bella recensione di @rcasati al libro di Eli Pariser "Il Filtro" #book #review
I love this guy's #review of the #iPad—basically, `it's awesome and I want one, even though it doesn't meet my needs':