I haven't made a fuss about the master-slave topology, however now things have become weird. There's an ongoing effort to deprecated the master branch's name in Git, which I find to be a strange move as the master-slave topology doesn't even apply to git – all branches are independent by design. Maybe I'm employing an overly rational approach, but shouldn't our actions make …
- LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} repeated this.
@xrevan86 When trying to fix historical social ills, people will resort to silly triviality like eliminating "master" in situations where it does not imply slavery, because it is easier to rename things than to reshape problematic behaviors. . Even in #CHAZ, they seem to have areas reserved for non-whites, instead of being fully "all ancestries are treated equally". In my opin…
> When trying to fix historical social ills, people will resort to silly triviality like eliminating "master" in situations where it does not imply slavery, because it is easier to rename things than to reshape problematic behaviors. @lnxw48a1 What's especially strange is that lately people are more sure in that this works than ever. Maybe they see annoyance of people they don…
> It's just ideological subversion. Computer hacking should never be involved into politics other than it's own. I don't know if I have a strong opinion here. I do think though that professionalism and political stunts aren't very compatible. Like when a website blocks a whole range of IP addresses, because nation leader bad. But what if someone makes code with an intention to…
> This the "who is responsible" problem is it the "tool" who is responsible ? Or is it the "people" who did something with the tool ? If you're referring to all those ideas like "maybe Linux shouldn't boot for Nazis", then yes, that is not constructive. > It's a self-input loop. Surroundings can influence someone but it will depend on the decision of the said people. I think y…
> Is it impossible for someone to make many mistakes on his own ?
@mangeurdenuage I mean that when a very big lot of people fails, it is a sign of a systemic failure rather than them not being up to it.