> This the "who is responsible" problem is it the "tool" who is responsible ? Or is it the "people" who did something with the tool ?
If you're referring to all those ideas like "maybe Linux shouldn't boot for Nazis", then yes, that is not constructive.

> It's a self-input loop. Surroundings can influence someone but it will depend on the decision of the said people.
I think you're zooming in too much. This is more about whole societies.
Individual mistakes should not affect the outcome. And if there are too many mistakes, then maybe there's something wrong with the way things are organised.

> so a stimulus doesn't mean that everyone will act the same way.
Individuals are unpredicable. Populations – not as much.
It's like trying to argue that water flow is indeterministic, because water molecules move randomly.

> What I'm saying is that the probabilities of a positive change are small if the actual media/political behavior continues.