- Wondering whether I can get #sonOne and #sonTwo to contribute toward getting this for #Daddy_A. Either way, he'll have to come up with his own HDDs / SSDs. For me, the NAS is more of an irritant than anything else, because I really only want remote storage / backup ... a network file system, not an app platform atop remote storage. But I'm one of the few who feel this way.
- maybe this one. The two older boys have some professional use for the devices along with being the family Plex server. #Daddy_A does not. He’s probably going to be off for at least three more years (until #Little_Girl_A3 is in first grade), assuming the next back surgery goes well. The DS220j is probably a step down from the DS218 m…
Okay, so even if the others cannot contribute, I intend to order this one for him. I mentioned it and he was floating on clouds ⛅️ of joy.