FWIW, I didn't vote for Clinton, but as I noted, the case is pretty clear. 1. She would not have dissolved the pandemic team. 2. She would not have made the country less safe for minorities: It is, of course, hard to control for him versus other variables happening, but I think the 'him' factor is pretty clear: http://status.hackerposse…
US would definitely be in a better place with Clinton right now. It's absurd to suggest otherwise.
However, whether we would be better off long-term with Clinton is an interesting debate.
whoops, typo: "Whether the world would be a better place is a different discussion than if the world would be a better place"
should be:
"Whether the US would be a better place is a different discussion than if the world would be a better place"
regarding the TPP, it had shit copyright provisions to be sure, but all-in-all, do not believe it would have been particularly bad for the US
@musicman @strypey For what it’s worth, I work for the US government and I wasn’t even aware that there ever was a Pandemic Response Team until 3-4 weeks ago, despite $EMPLOYER having a minor role in the response to the 2009 Influenza A H1N1 pandemic response. From what I’ve read, PRT was always too underfunded to be an effective response. Though I disagree with abolishi…
they don't need much funding to say "now is the time to do something". Of course, it takes someone willing to listen, which Trump time and again has proven he is incapable.
@musicman @strypey Also, in the process of reading about it, I came across [wapo]
Turn off #JavaScript / #JabbaShit and their “turn off your adblocker” garbage won’t interfere.
There are still a number of places where I saw “underfunded and ineffective”, but this is someone that worked there (possibly during the time when Trump is said to have shut down PRT).