FWIW, I didn't vote for Clinton, but as I noted, the case is pretty clear.

1. She would not have dissolved the pandemic team.

2. She would not have made the country less safe for minorities: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/12/us/hate-crimes-fbi-report.html

It is, of course, hard to control for him versus other variables happening, but I think the 'him' factor is pretty clear: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/03/22/trumps-rhetoric-does-inspire-more-hate-crimes/

I would suggest that this does not simply make the country less safe for minorities, but also for people in mixed-race relationships such as myself.

3. She would have a kept a more stable cabinet. Even if you think her cabinet would have been shit, the Trump revolving door isn't good for people understanding the role and all it does is breed yes-men and women.

One could argue this makes Trump less dangerous, and maybe that is true in many cases, but it really shows in a time of crisis.

4. We wouldn't have to listen to his dumb ass all the time. Even if their policies were exactly the same, this would dramatically increase quality of life. I assume this is not as big of a deal for people outside of the US, but you have to remember that our media gives zero fucks about anything going on in the rest of the world. It's all US, all the time. We need less stupid for the sake of sanity.

For 3 and 4, all you need to do is compare Trump to W. A lot of people do not like the rehabilitation of W, and I understand that, but covid-19 deaths in the US are already 2,405. Total fatalities for Katrina were 1,833. It's a bit of apples and oranges sure, but whenever some says "I wish we had W" people counter with "What about Katrina?"

Well, what about it?

Whether the world would be a better place is a different discussion than if the world would be a better place, and I think that's a discussion that plays into the long-term discussion of Clinton vs. Trump.

In any case, I don't think many have suggested Trump handled Syria very well. I suppose some might find his honesty about Syria refreshing though: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/13/donald-trump-syria-oil-us-troops-isis-turkey