- I scrolled through the list of issues for #postActiv and found this about full acct URI mentioning for local IDs: As a matter of fact, it works great in !GNUsocial (at least in the nightly branch, which is the one I probably recommend for everyone and will "soon" merge into master). It ge…
^- @thelovebug See above .]
@maiyannah Apparently that was a bug that only domains like the one has experience! The dealbreaker was the single 's' in the domain name and the regular expression which couldn't catch the full domain name because of that: This: '!(?:^|\s+)@((?:\w+[\w\-\_\.]?)*(?:[\w\-\_\.]*\w+)@(?:\w+\-?\w+\.)*\w+(?:\w+\-\w+)*\.\w+)!' changed to this: '/(?:…