@maiyannah Apparently that was a bug that only domains like the one @thelovebug@s.wefamlee.be has experience! The dealbreaker was the single 's' in the domain name and the regular expression which couldn't catch the full domain name because of that:

This: '!(?:^|\s+)@((?:\w+[\w\-\_\.]?)*(?:[\w\-\_\.]*\w+)@(?:\w+\-?\w+\.)*\w+(?:\w+\-\w+)*\.\w+)!'

changed to this: '/(?:^|\s+)@((?:\w+[\w\-\_\.]?)*(?:[\w\-\_\.]*\w+)@(?:(?!-)[A-Za-z0-9\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,10})/'

where the interesting part is the domain name regular expression. I have now, in !GNUsocial, put the fixes in the nightly branch and will also see if I can push to master.