Notices tagged with css
Browser-style-benchmark evaluation: — how to have fast style evaluation across #browsers? #shadowdom #css #firefox #chromium #safari
Been print-to-file-ing long reads for sitting on #Sawtell beach with a bottle of wine. #LockdownHobo God, I love a nice print style sheet! (And hate sites that won't render their main content without #JavaScript.) #CSS
I used to use the #QueryPath library. It is for #PHP what #jQuery is for #Javascript, allowing you to target #HTML elements, attributes, etc. using #CSS selectors.
Creating Pixel Art with #CSS: — nice!
It's not all bad news. I've done a lot of copying and pasting over the years, and the number of websites who favour caps lock over the #CSS text-transform property has now so diminished as to be statistically insignificant. I'm hanging my hopes for the future of our species on details like this.
The text on #YouTube is still there, but obscured by #CSS which needs #Javascript to make it display. So can see it by turning off styles ("View, Page Style, No Style" in Firefox/IceCat). #Javascrippled
I have no idea why I'm building this... #canada #flag #halfmast #css #html #js
@MylesB on #CSS in magazine clickbait galleries: "The Top Ten Raccoons In Toronto"
@MylesB presenting at #GTALUG on #CSS: "Wait, that's not rendering properly!"
Some recent #css changes in !gnusocial make the #neo-quitter theme look a bit ugly. Previously the white background of a notice used to "wrap" the replies, which I found nice, whereas now they appear as "detached". In neo-gnu the glitch is barely visible: the subtle dotted border, which delimits the notice, doesn't appear after the replies. !snbug
@mmn I also have some #CSS problems (nothing changed there) when a picture is #attached to a #dent. cc !snbug
It's interesting that #browsers will copy invisible stuff at the same time they won't copy visible :before and :after data inserted by #CSS.
- Hello... !ubuntu !debian !gnu !python !linux !kde !q !thunderbird !w3c !css !launchpad !playogg
- i love you !ubuntu !debian !gnu !python !linux !kde !q !thunderbird !w3c !css !launchpad !playogg
- Good Morning All !ubuntu !debian !gnu !python !linux !kde !q !thunderbird !w3c !css !launchpad !playogg
- Butch Morris | Butch Morris !ubuntu !debian !gnu !python !linux !kde !q !thunderbird !w3c !css !launchpad !playogg
the more you use a mobile browser, the more you realize how many broken #css (e.g. w/ fixed width text paragraphs) exist in the wild
- Good Morning Brother !ubuntu !debian !gnu !python !linux !kde !q !thunderbird !w3c !css !launchpad !playogg
- good morning !ubuntu !debian !gnu !python !linux !kde !q !thunderbird !w3c !css !launchpad !playogg