Notices tagged with activitypub, page 2
@strypey @clacke #ActivityPub support is already in the #GNU_Social (2.0.0-dev) codebase that many instances currently use, it just isn't working so well (from what I can tell, Mastodon signatures don't verify). They're working on fixing that
@xj9 #GNU_Social's #ActivityPub support is not quite ready for use in non-testing instances. Currently, there's a problem with verifying Mastodon's signatures. ( Neither nor can see this response because their instances no longer speak #OStatus. )
"without nonsense like OCAP" --
I thought #OCAP was going to save us from ourselves and the non-private no-security* protocol that #ActivityPub turned out to be. I feel like I did when I discovered that there was no Santa Claus.
* There's optional easily subverted stuff like HTTP Signatures, but nothing in the core of AP.
@coolboymew I heard recently that #AndStatus doesn't work properly with Pleroma as with "Mastodon type" social network. Didn't investigate this...
But since last year #Pleroma is adding #ActivityPub #C2S (Client to Server) interface, and AndStatus has basic support for this type, checked and tested with Pleroma team! See
Testing group name autocompletion in #GnuSocial using #AndStatus !gnusocial It works already. Not very impressive yet, because there is NO WAY (yet?!) to get actual metadata for remote groups (actual unique ID, avatar ...) But adding internal app's infrastructure for Groups support is much more important. It could be used e.g. in #ActivityPub Where are you, #ActivityPub #C2S …
On adding Group / List support to #AndStatus Oh, I see that #GNUSocial development is going on: #ActivityPub Server-to-Server support is being added (and I saw a report that it was successfully tested some days ago...) Moreover, looking into the source code I found the first-hand info about the system's API . And although the code, re…
And now in v.52.01I successfully sent and received two images via #ActivityPub #C2S thanks to @lanodan
@storm I think #MediaGoblin "paused" their federation effort to focus on #ActivityPub. I don't expect there to have been much development since then.
@andyc Yep, #GNUSocial 2.0 added #ActivityPub support. Have a couple of days off next week. Let's see what kind of damage I can do.
@andyc I'll have to go back and look at the #ActivityPub options again. I feel like such a dinosaur. How many new languages, frameworks, and protocols do you really need for a distributed #Twitter clone? You'll have to pry my #LAMP stack from my cold, dead hands!
#ActivityPub dev calls me "tonedeaf" when I ask if #Mastodon's scoping or takedowns amount to #DRM, then goes on to refer to relatively trivial crap like "people on the Internet retelling stories that someone wishes he could just un-post" as "#nazis burning people".
#irony #sigh
@rmbl Oh, I see that I was confused a bit about terminology. The "Group" notion in #ActivityPub is about a group of Actors (people etc.), but we are talking here about a named "Collection" of notes/activities. But actually GNU Social calls such collections "Groups" :-) I'm creating descriptions and comparisons of Groups/Lists notions in different types of social networks, support…
@rmbl Oh, I see that I was confused a bit about terminology. The "Group" notion in #ActivityPub is about a group of Actors (people etc.), but we are talking here about a named "Collection" of notes/activities. But actually GNU Social calls such collections "Groups" :-) I'm creating descriptions and comparisons of Groups/Lists notions in different types of social networks, support…
Bueno, parece que ya estamos "aisladas", no? Estoy de vacaciones, hace tiempoque no entro, pero hoy ya no leo mastodónicos mensajes. #enfin ¿como va la implementación de #activitypub ? !gnusocial
@rmbl Sometimes I need the same, and I also feel that it is inconvenient to keep "unread" all notifications in order not to forget one of them. Recently I started implementation of Group/Lists support in #AndStatus. And I see that creation of some personal "ToDo" group and adding any note/ activity to that group could help in such cases. Unfortunately AFAIK only #ActivityPub suppo…
@rmbl Sometimes I need the same, and I also feel that it is inconvenient to keep "unread" all notifications in order not to forget one of them. Recently I started implementation of Group/Lists support in #AndStatus. And I see that creation of some personal "ToDo" group and adding any note/ activity to that group could help in such cases. Unfortunately AFAIK only #ActivityPub suppo…
@moonman There are two dimentions in the support of different protocols of Social networks, which I'm facing during development : 1. Implementation of different API calls and parsing responses of every API of every supported protocol. I cope with this problem simply by implementing only some of available APIs (features)... 2. Trying to adapt internal data/actions model so tha…
@FuzboleroXV I think that #NomadicIdentity is primarily about moving your identity _between_ accounts and corresponding hosts/providers. Being able to access several "nomadic identities" via one account is a byproduct for me, not so important. Main point here though is separation between a User (person or organization...), an Account and the "identity" (called an…
@colegota In short: Notifications section in #AndStatus settings lists some other things; not timelines. Longer answer: "Unread notifications" timeline includes activities: "create(post) note", "announce (retweet/repost/reblog) note", etc. which were recognized by AndStatus app as belonging to at least one of checked "Notification event types". No matter how the activity was r…
@shevek ya falta menos para que !gnusocial entienda #ActivityPub
PD Creo que tu id de @diogo está obsoleto.
@revu @notxor @diogo @jtlibres