Notices tagged with irony
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Saturday, 19-Oct-2019 01:43:15 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
#ActivityPub dev calls me "tonedeaf" when I ask if #Mastodon's scoping or takedowns amount to #DRM, then goes on to refer to relatively trivial crap like "people on the Internet retelling stories that someone wishes he could just un-post" as "#nazis burning people".
#irony #sigh -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Tuesday, 07-May-2019 22:34:53 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
And somehow I missed that #CBLDF actually ended up owning the #ComicsCode #Authority Seal of Approval almost a decade ago—so the only legal use is now #irony? -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Friday, 30-Nov-2018 00:04:03 EST Joshua Judson Rosen
Interestingly, websearches find many kinds of Einstein socks, but no Oppenheimer socks, Feynman socks.... And !TIL that #Einstein was the one that never wore #socks. #irony -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Thursday, 19-Jan-2017 20:52:50 EST Stephen Sekula
Perry praising hydraulic fracturing as the way nat. gas revolution happened, which led to collapse of coal jobs. #irony -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Sunday, 28-Feb-2016 14:33:49 EST MMN-o ✅⃠
@taknamay YOU DON'T LIKE HITLER? YOU HATE-EVERYONE NAZI SCUM! #irony #blockme #notirony -
Klaus Jónsson Zimmermann (kzimmermann)'s status on Sunday, 28-Feb-2016 13:36:43 EST Klaus Jónsson Zimmermann
!TIL that there is such thing as a "Microsoft RMS" #irony -
Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at (bobjonkmanformer)'s status on Friday, 23-Aug-2013 16:05:11 EDT Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at
[Ladar Levison] has no email now that his own service is shut down and relies on texts or Facebook to stay in touch !privacy !surveillance #irony If Ladar Levison doesn't get it how will anyone else? -
bobjonkman (bobjonkman)'s status on Wednesday, 27-Mar-2013 14:05:31 EDT bobjonkman
Oh, the #irony - without !fs you *don't* "own your own" software! -
DJ Dougernaut (douglasawh)'s status on Friday, 31-Aug-2012 18:04:02 EDT DJ Dougernaut
The Republicans are so hipster it hurts. One of their big influences: a Russian Jew! #irony -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Thursday, 06-Oct-2011 18:50:04 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
The biggest single package installed on my #Debian system, out of 3394 packages? PLT !Scheme. Talk about #irony! -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Friday, 04-Mar-2011 14:30:23 EST Joshua Judson Rosen
Is it #ironic that the answer to this question doesn't include, "because kids today don't understand #irony"?