@colegota In short: Notifications section in # settings lists some other things; not timelines.
Longer answer:
"Unread notifications" timeline includes activities: "create(post) note", "announce (retweet/repost/reblog) note", etc. which were recognized by AndStatus app as belonging to at least one of checked "Notification event types". No matter how the activity was received for some of them (e.g. for mentions)
but one-to-one for others: "Home timeline" notification corresponds to the Home API timeline for all Twitter-like APIs (i.e. Twitter, GNU Social and Mastodon) and Inbox API timeline for # client to server API.
Meaning of some AndStatus Timelines are changing over time. E.g. even for me it's unclear yet, if "Unread notifications" timeline notifies "the account" (as it was implemented quite long ago) or it should rather notify My Actor who happens to be linked to an account on some server... I clarify this for myself also, and make corresponding changes in the app...