Joshua Judson Rosen's home timeline
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Apr-2023 21:45:35 EDT Stephen Sekula
From OnWisMag on Twitter: In a sure sign of spring, @UWMadison’s Terrace chairs are returning to the @WisconsinUnion today from winter storage. Do you know when the first chair was created and when the famous sunburst design made its first appearance? @wisalumni @uw_studentlife -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Apr-2023 21:24:33 EDT Stephen Sekula
From on Mastodon: Seeing # SciPyConf be given as an example of a valuable method of engaging with the larger scientific research community today in Peter Elmer's P5 talk made me feel proud to be part of the conference organizing team and hopeful for the future of HEP. :) Just a few years ago SciPy wasn't well known in the HEP, and today it was h… -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Apr-2023 21:11:38 EDT Stephen Sekula
Getting pretty excited for my lecture on Friday at 7pm at the Science North Planetarium! The event is hosted and organized by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Sudbury Centre chapter ( https:// ). I will be discussing “Astronomy Without Lightâ€. This will be their first event featuring in-person participation since the st… -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Apr-2023 17:20:22 EDT Stephen Sekula
Spring has sprung in Sudbury! It’s 21C right now and absolutely gorgeous outside. Of course, warm air means lots of melting snow … and there were lots of snowbanks to melt. But the heat is making short work of what is left, and I am excited to see the seasons shift yet again. -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Apr-2023 09:45:33 EDT Stephen Sekula
From on Mastodon: Anybody has any hints on creating science posters using Markdown (or boosted relative of Markdown like MyST ? I only can find the LaTex workaround with Markdown cells inside Latex code. -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Apr-2023 09:40:23 EDT Stephen Sekula
From on Mastodon: Much like the winding fjords of Norway and the Mandelbrot set, the interactions of quarks and gluons give rise to the tiniest fractals in # nature jets within jets within jets…Find out! https:// rks-and-gluons # moriond -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Apr-2023 05:50:20 EDT Stephen Sekula
New underground mining rules expected to improve safety for Ontario miners https:// -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Apr-2023 05:45:20 EDT Stephen Sekula
From on Mastodon: A new blog post by me at Yale University Press: How Many Ways Can We Make Something Invisible? https:// how-many-ways-can-we-make-something-invisible/ -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Apr-2023 05:40:27 EDT Stephen Sekula
Map of dark matter sheds new light on forces shaping the universe (The Globe and Mail (Ontario Edition)), Apr 12, 2023 https:// le/281496460568807 -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Tuesday, 11-Apr-2023 17:30:19 EDT Stephen Sekula
From on Mastodon: Hey my book is #1 new release in "optics for physics" on Amazon, which probably means absolutely nothing but I'm taking the win -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Tuesday, 11-Apr-2023 09:40:21 EDT Stephen Sekula
From on Mastodon: We are actively monitoring your Thunderbird feature suggestions at Mozilla Connect, but “voting up” ideas from the community is crucial. There are currently 287 Thunderbird ideas at Connect, many of which need more discussion and votes. Here are the top 20: https:// hese-top-20-thund… -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Tuesday, 11-Apr-2023 06:15:25 EDT Stephen Sekula
From on Mastodon: Wenn euch unsere Visualisierung von GW170817 gefallen hat, werdet ihr die schönen Bilder auf der Homepage unseres Instituts lieben: âž¡ï¸ https://www. inary-neutron-star-merger?seite=2 # Waiting4O4 # O4 # GW170817 # MultimediaMonday # Gravitationswellen -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Monday, 10-Apr-2023 23:26:23 EDT Stephen Sekula
Had a lovely vacation in Connecticut over Easter. Jodi and I took time to work in walks and runs in parks, including this lovely hike through some extensive trails in the woods. -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Monday, 10-Apr-2023 23:26:18 EDT Stephen Sekula
We capped off the trip with an easy air trip from Boston -> Toronto -> Sudbury. It was lovely coming in to our final destination. -
clacke: seeking 🇸🇪ðŸ‡ðŸ‡°ðŸ’™ðŸ’› (clacke)'s status on Sunday, 02-Apr-2023 02:02:38 EDT clacke: seeking 🇸🇪ðŸ‡ðŸ‡°ðŸ’™ðŸ’›
>> "Diamonds are formed under pressure" And bread dough rises when you let it rest We're all our own things. What's motivating to you may be [debilitating] to others.
> There's an old saying (I think it's Russian): the same boiling water that softens the potato will harden the egg- Joshua Judson Rosen likes this.
- Bob Jonkman repeated this.
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Monday, 02-Aug-2021 16:22:13 EDT Free Software Foundation
The August 2021 issue of the Free Software Supporter is live! Get a whole month's free software news delivered hot and fresh to your inbox at the start of every month by signing up here: -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Monday, 02-Aug-2021 16:15:12 EDT Free Software Foundation
The FSF is seeking a principled, compassionate, and capable leader to be its new executive director. This position can be remote or based in our Boston office: -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Friday, 07-Apr-2023 19:30:17 EDT Stephen Sekula
From on Mastodon: Seconding @ dmoren ’s request here - anyone have a good iPad app that reads ePub files, lets you annotate them, and lets you export the annotations? Books has apparently lost this feature. https:// 8960962175569 -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Friday, 07-Apr-2023 16:31:35 EDT Stephen Sekula
It is so nice to be at my family home and to visit with my parents again. The long separation imposed by the pandemic was hard. -
Stephen Sekula (steve)'s status on Friday, 07-Apr-2023 16:30:18 EDT Stephen Sekula
From on Mastodon: What are the plans for future gravitational-wave astronomy? One exciting project to look forward to is LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna), the planned space observatory which will observe low-frequency gravitational waves. ➡️ https://www. # FutureFriday # Waiting4O4 # O4