Joshua Judson Rosen's home timeline
How it started, how it's going: home office edition. We bought a new construction home, pretty much a blank slate. With the expertise of an excellent tradesman, my home office has been transformed from white void to library and writing heaven.
Despite the smokey air, I had a lovely 4 km run today. Felt really good. The exercise is beginning to work, becoming more of a habit than a chore.
Historical note: DOOMSDAY CLOCK IS CREATED (The Globe and Mail (Ontario Edition)), Jun 01, 2023 https:// le/281526525439059
From on Mastodon: Chien-Shiung Wu, who obtained experimental proof of parity violation in weak nuclear decay, was born # OTD in 1912. Her 1956 experiment involving the decay of Cobalt-60 confirmed that the weak interaction does not respect what many had assumed was a fundamental symmetry of nature.
From on Mastodon: Hey, I was a guest on the Colin McEnroe Show on WNPR today to talk about invisibility, and the recording is now available to listen to! https://www. enroe-show/2023-05-31/invisibility-fascinates-and-frightens-us-but-will-it-ever-become-reality
I have to laugh and shake my head at Smith calling it a "Miracle on the Praries". No, you were leading in the polls pretty much the whole time. You're in a strongly conservative province. I mean, if you're saying that it's a miracle that the majority of Albertans chose to ignore your terribleness, then yes, sure. But people voting the same way the…
- Bob Jonkman repeated this.
I'd be more inclined to say "people voting the way the polls said they should..."
Hmm. Looks like Twitter API authentication isn't working for the Python twitter library. I assume this means Twitter has finally shut down its open API? Don't have time to investigate this until the weekend. For now, NavierStokes won't be bridging messages between Twitter and other open social media services. Could be a fluke ... but given the behavior of leadership at Tw…
It has been "hot" in # Sudbury for the past few days. This means temperatures around 85F (about 30C). Having moved from Texas, I find this charming. 🙂 I had a great run on Sunday in the "heat". I regret nothing. I thought it particularly funny when a guy called out from a pickup truck, "Sure is a hot one buddy!" I wasn't even running with water. 85F was an early spring…
I’ve been getting more into the game Gaslands with my son and also with adult friends. It’s a Mad Max-esque tabletop game where you’re expected to create your own game pieces by kitbashing with toy cars. I already have all the crafting, painting and 3d printing supplies I need from my other wargaming hobbies, so the barrier to entry was incredibly low. It’s a lot of li…
I'm in need of a little Nerd-Pr0n... what little useful thing comes into your mind as tool of at the Linux command line? Not a super-nerdy command to sophisticated resolve a problem, but a tool for actual problems that would also be useful for n00bs to take their fear about using the CLI?So curling is a…
From on Mastodon: If you aren't too busy, take a minute to look through NASA's Project Apollo archive on Flickr. https://www. oarchive/albums This is a totally safe use of your time, you definitely won't look up two hours from now and ask where your morning went. Images: NASA
Got a bumper crop of hydroponic tomatoes this time around!
Good morning! It is the last morning of a much-needed long weekend.
What watching my daughter play ‘The Legend of Zelda’ taught me https://www. 23/05/18/zelda-tears-of-the-kingdom-game-parenting/
It is a lovely long holiday weekend here in # Sudbury !
I wish more !RasPi type SBCs were available locally. I had an idea for running an #MQTT broker / server , but it took so long to get a #Raspberry_Pi Zero Two and an #Orange_Pi Zero Two that I've forgotten why I bought them. (More than a month for the RasPi.)
There is something so deeply satisfying about buying an SSD, cloning the magnetic drive on a 5 year old laptop, rendering the clone bootable, booting up the OS on the SSD, and having it be 5-8 times faster just to get to the Windows login screen.
From on Mastodon: While we're testing our detectors ahead of # O4 starting next week, we have identified our first interesting candidate # S230518h If real, the source is most likely a neutron star–black hole binary. Checks of the data quality are underway Circular: https:// # O4IsComing # GravitationalWaves 1/3
Volcano-covered, Earth-sized planet may have an atmosphere (The Globe and Mail (Ontario Edition)), May 18, 2023 https:// le/281517935476726 Alternatively: “Astronomers Find Mustafar”
The FSF is seeking a motivated and organized Boston-based individual to be our full-time operations assistant. To guarantee consideration, submit your application by Wednesday, August 18, 2021: