Joshua Judson Rosen's home timeline
Very excited to go underground to the main lab at # SNOLAB tomorrow. On the menu: some machine learning related work for # HALO and a look at oxygen sensors in the Cube Hall as part of a separate machine learning project with a student. Short day, though: an all-hands meeting starts at noon, so we are up on the 11am cage.
Newest forest fire is three kilometres east of Lake Wanapitei https://
From on Mastodon: How often do you prepare your own food? # EvanPoll # poll
Only 90 minutes left to home. Whew. There is such a thing as sitting in a car (or a plane) too much at my present age.
An example guide for upgrading from Debian 11 -> 12. https://www. de-debian-11-to-debian-12-bookworm/
Heading back into tinder country.
About halfway home and enjoying the view.
Had some fun sharing the book @ jodi and I are writing with a nephew who is taking pre-calculus next year. Not really sure what he thought about it, but there is no arguing that he's glimpsed the importance of calculus to the ongoing search for dark matter's constituents.
@ sparky Ooh, and Google made a cinematic version of the metaselfie!
@ sparky Here is a guide to apps for the Mastodon universe. There is the official app, which I use, but also others that people sometimes prefer. https://
@ sparky Thought you might like the metaselfies from yesterday.
@ sparky Hi Jolene! Let me know if you need any help getting started here. I am so excited you are back on the open social web!
From on Mastodon: The Sun and Its Missing Colors Image Credit: Nigel Sharp (NSF), FTS, NSO, KPNO, AURA, NSF https:// ml # APOD
On the road back to # Sudbury . It was a nice visit to see family this weekend, but we are eager to be home. It will be a busy week at # SNOLAB .
Good time out on Smith Lake.
From on Mastodon: Over 45,000 galaxies are visible in this recent image from JWST’s Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey, captured with the Near-Infrared Camera. If it has diffraction spikes it’s a star. Otherwise, it’s a galaxy! Image: NASA, ESA, CSA, B. Robertson (UCSC), B. Johnson (CfA), S. Tacchella (Cambridge), M. Rieke (U. Arizona), D. Eisenstein (CfA) Processing: A. Pagan (STScI)
It has been nice visiting with family, and the peace of our rental cabin has been fantastic.
From on Mastodon: Even in 1913, when Einstein was nominated for membership in the Prussian Academy, Planck's letter of support admitted that Einstein "might sometimes have overshot the target in his speculations, as for example with the light quantum hypothesis." But evidence continued to mount. Finally, Compton's 1923 result treating X-rays as mass…
Stopped near Escanaba last night, and back on the road for the last part of the drive this morning!
I finally burned a couple of GNU+Linux installer ISOs to DVD-R, so now I can send S her box (includes flash drive with Ventoy and about five ISOs, a !RasPi Zero 2 kit, a keyboard and mouse for it, and those two DVDs ... #Fedora and #PCLinuxOS; I downloaded #Ubuntu, but it is bigger than the DVD's capacity).