Joshua Judson Rosen's home timeline
Bubble chambers were, apocryphally, inspired by bubbles in a glass of beer. In this video, it is of the non-alcoholic variety.
Some incredible smoke today from regional wildfires.
Happy to be home and enjoying some rest. Also back on operations shift for the # PICO40L experiment.
Special air quality statement issued by Environment Canada https:// # Sudbury
Waiting at the lovely Toronto City airport for our ~4pm Porter Air flight to # Sudbury . Excited to be home!
From on Mastodon: Meduza has live coverage of much happening in Russia: https:// evgeny-prigozhin-s-coup
Flight to Sudbury cancelled early this morning, and rebooked on a flight 5 days from now! No. We’ve identified another option for getting home today.
From on Mastodon: Non-Canadians: you can read about the Online News Act here, on our public broadcaster's non-ActivityPub-enabled web site: https://www. ws-act-meta-facebook-1.6885634
Had a blast at the annual CAP Congress! Judging student presentations was fun but a challenge given how good they all were. Learned a ton about ideas in axions, neutrino experiments, and from new experimental results. Also learned a ton about grant applications to key Canadian agencies. Was thrilled to spend time with some of my new colleagues at dinner last night, swappi…
Having an absolutely lovely first evening in Fredericton before tomorrow's formal start of the annual Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Congress.
From jodi on Mastodon: It’s like a martini meets a mojito in a spa! Enjoying a nice dinner with @ steve .
Enjoying coffee in the morning air before heading to the airport. In other news, our backyard grading is complete! We can move on to the landscape design phase.
A rare treat these days. This is known as an "Oppenheimer".
Found this beautiful sleepyhead sunning itself while I was mowing the yard.
"From Sudbury to Fredericton" Tomorrow I will board a plane at the Sudbury airport and, connecting through Toronto, depart for Fredericton, New Brunswick. I am excited about this for at least a two reasons. First, this coming week is the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) annual Congress. The week-long meeting will bring students, post-docs, and career researchers f…
On our walk last evening we came across a red-bellied snake, apparently one of the smaller snake varietals in Ontario. It was an extra treat since they are primarily nocturnal.
After a lovely dinner, @ jodi and I enjoyed a walk in the nearby trails. We particularly wanted to see where the bridge on this boardwalk was out for repairs, and it was gone gone - two barriers separated by a watery gap!
A nice end to the week. A lovely afternoon, a Steam Whistle, and feet up on a chair on the patio.
S should receive the !RasPi Zero 2 kit tomorrow. This kit comes with a microSD card with “NOOBS†on it, so she will have a choice between multiple operating systems. It also has a case and a microHDMI to HDMI adapter, plus a power supply. It might also have a USB port multiplier and a heat sink. I don’t remember the whole description.
She was excited enough to order a little portable monitor screen for it.
Just got an SMS. She's thrilled with the !RasPi Zero 2. I think she just upened the shipment, so she probably hasn't set it up yet.
It has been intellectually invigorating to work with students again. They ask the best questions, leading to deep discussions about the nature of reality, the structure and value of mathematical ideas, and the character of physical law. They also remind me of how to view the universe with fresh eyes. I missed this.