Joshua Judson Rosen's home timeline
From on Mastodon: When will the first major Chinese social network site join the fediverse? # EvanPoll # poll
If a person wanted to download their data from # Twitter /#X and then create an artificial history of their timeline in # Mastodon (as if they had always been posting there - a migration of the timeline, if you like), any advice on how to most efficiently do that? Asking for a friend.
After a week in # Montreal for a conference ( # GUINEAPIG !) and then a week of vacation in # Sudbury , I returned to work at # SNOLAB today. Step one: inbox zero (accomplished). Step two: catch up with research students (accomplished). Step three: pick up the threads of project-related activities (in progress). Managed to also submit a letter of recommendation, re-read a…
From on Mastodon: iOS 16.6 and macOS 13.5 updates fix actively exploited security bugs, not much else Previous-generation macOS and iOS versions get new security updates, too. https:// 7/ios-16-6-and-macos-13-5-updates-fix-actively-exploited-security-bugs-not-much-else/?utm_brand=arstechnica
From on Mastodon: Astronomer Vera Rubin was born # OTD in 1928. Her work on galactic rotation curves became one of the main pieces of evidence for the existence of dark matter, and she deserved a Nobel Prize for it. Image: Vassar College / Emilio Segrè Visual Archives
From on Mastodon: So, yeah. Loving the API for Mastodon. Have created a tiny Python program that will get the people I am following, look at a few parameters that I consider important (age of last toot, number of their followers etc.) Then it will prune these for me, cleaning up my following list to ensure I actually follow active a…
From on Mastodon: And also David DeVorkin's interview with Vera Rubin for the AIP's oral history series. It’s a great read. -bohr-library/oral-histories/5920-1 This bit, especially, does a beautiful job of capturing the germ of basic research. DeVorkin asks Rubin what…
Had a lovely last day of vacation. Had a great walk in Rotary Park up in New Sudbury and a nice post-walk lunch and nap. Also, loved that # StrangeNewWorlds and # LowerDecks crossover episode.
From on Mastodon: The Antikythera Mechanism Image Credit
It was a long process, but the good old # ChevyVolt was finally (a) fully imported to # Canada and (b) registered in the province of # Ontario this past Friday. The last hurdle was passing the import inspection, as one part of the car was found to be non-compliant with Canadian/Ontario auto rules. After weeks of searching and pleading with the dealership to solve the prob…
From on Mastodon: @ doktorzjivago OK dear friends, today's funniest discovery is that it's easier than ever to start your own podcast—thanks to Mastodon's open source! 1. Record your podcast and save as an mp3 file. Max 40 MB which corresponds to between 40-80 minutes depending on kbps. 2. Upload it right up in the feed with a description. 3. People …
From on Mastodon: Michael Collins took this photo # OTD in 1969, with Earth hanging in the background as Apollo 11’s Lunar Module Eagle rejoined Command Module Columbia. Except for Michael Collins, every human being born on or before July 21, 1969 is in the frame of this photo! Image: NASA
From on Mastodon: New :mastodon: Mastodon releases: Mastodon v4.1.5 / v4.0.7 / v3.5.11 Check out the changelog for your branch: 4.1.5 https:// eleases/tag/v4.1.5 4.0.7 https:// eleases/tag/v4.0.7 3.5.11 https:// eleases/tag/v3.5.11 # MastoAdmin # FediAdmin
From on Mastodon: I vaguely remember seeing a post (it was on someone's blog, but I believe I saw a link on either Mastodon or Twitter) about a package for Python that made Matplotlib plots look like old-time journal pictures. Specifically, I think this was in the context of astronomy, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know of such a python package?
Here is some fun with a big magnet and magnetic minerals at # DynamicEarth
Had a wonderful time at # DynamicEarth in # Sudbury on a lovely rainy day. Especially liked all the hands-on geophysics, including testing conductivity and magnetism of minerals.
Had an absolutely wonderful time # kayaking with family yesterday. The day was mostly overcast and pleasant, and we pretty thoroughly explored the lake. Took time for a picnic lunch in between our exploration of the water and the surrounding shores.
The U.S. is about to open a new window into Earth’s mysterious insides https://www. 3/07/18/earth-layers-high-pressure-laboratory/
Continue to stay safe, Greater # Sudbury . Severe thunderstorm watch in effect for Greater Sudbury https://
Excited for my sister, who is traveling to a conference in Thailand. It's a 3-day trip, and I wish her much sleep as she adjusts to the big timezone change.