Joshua Judson Rosen's home timeline
A lovely dinner of homemade sushi and pot stickers. These plates have been with us since we bought the set, piece by piece, over the time we were postdocs near San Francisco.
From on Mastodon: Does anyone else think it’s weird that people do surveys on social media?
From on Mastodon: Monster Solar Prominence Image Credit
It is an absolutely glorious morning in # Sudbury . Blue skies, birdsong, and # coffee .
From on Mastodon: We've released the patches 4.1.6, 4.0.8 and 3.5.12 today, fixing some stability issues. There are no security fixes in these updates but you are encouraged to upgrade unless you're already on one of the latest nightlies!
It has been one year since @ jodi and I moved from the U.S. to Canada and started this new phase of our lives at # SNOLAB and # QueensUniversity . While there have been challenges here and there (international moves are always hard), it has been a wonderful experience. # SNOLAB is an especially excellent environment, driven entirely by the people who work or conduct resea…
From on Mastodon: In case you're considering travel to another planet in our Solar System this summer -- we hear Mars is nice -- here's a handy guide to what passes for air there... https://www. anetatmospheres/
From on Mastodon: Euclid has arrived… Here's a little video update to accompany the news that, as of yesterday (28th July), the European Space Agency's Euclid spacecraft has reached its orbit around L2, the second Lagrange Point of the Earth-Sun system: More news is on the way. Commissioning of the instruments is now complete and the telescope…
Recovering from seeing # Oppenheimer with a nice NA beer in my # SUSY2014 glass. First, the movie made me miss teaching about the legacy of the # ManhattanProject at the # Taos Cultural Institute. Second, a raft of incredible performances, both beautiful, savage, and tragic. Third, glorious storytelling devices to weave pre-bomb, bomb, and post-bomb eras. Fourth... it is …
From my high school # English and # Latin # teacher , Mr. Phil Devlin: "Harvard Classmates: J. Robert Oppenheimer and Dr. Ettore Carniglia" https:// j-robert-oppenheimer-and-dr-ettore-carniglia/
From the latest # AIP FYI funding bulletin: "Nuclear Physics. Funding for NP is poised to remain near-flat ... The program is currently awaiting delivery of a new long-range plan from the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee, which will weigh in on priorities currently on the back burner, such as a large-scale experiment to try to establish the existence of the hypothesized…
Having a lovely relaxing evening on the back patio, enjoying the weather and view and peace.
Listen to: Major automakers are teaming up to launch a new EV charging network in North America - https:// 24493
From on Mastodon: Was reminded in a work meeting today about this amazing game: https:// # SpaceTeam
From on Mastodon: Invisibility and Transparency. An accidental pair of wonderful books about not being seen. https://www. 7/nothing-to-see-here-invisibility-gregory-j-gbur/?utm_source=Twitter
From on Mastodon: Going to share a few more up-close shots of the new Mastodon merch! I'm happy that we got to incorporate some Mastodon history in the designs. Mind you there's only going to be 250 of each at launch!
From on Mastodon: Happy Rotating Black Hole Day! Roy Kerr submitted his breakthrough paper describing the spacetime around a rotating black hole # OTD in 1963. Physicists had been searching for decades for this solution to the field equations of Einstein's theory of general relativity. https:// 10.1103/PhysRevLett.11.237
From on Mastodon: Seven major automakers to build EV charging network with 30,000 chargers The chargers will support both CCS1 and NACS, with deployment starting in 2024. https:// even-major-automakers-to-build-ev-charging-network-with-30000-chargers/?utm_brand=arstechnica
From on Mastodon: Rosalind Franklin was born # OTD in 1920. Her X-ray diffraction work was critical for establishing the helical nature of DNA. Image: Vittorio Luzzati / Jewish Women’s Archive
From on Mastodon: I started an account at BlueSky because so many other academic # philosophers had signed up, but there is even less activity than here. I'm especially interested in # GreekPhilosophy but also # philosophyofmind and # metaphysics . Any others out there?