Notices tagged with work, page 2
@tregeagle They are all unexpected shifts. Except for the expected ones, which get cancelled at the last minute. Unless you expect that they will. #work
Oh, dear. Ten hours at #work today. Shattered. Better than having the same hours spread over three days, though.
@tregeagle I'm not sure. Maybe the guy I'm regularly mistaken for at #work has really lifted his game, so I'm getting called in more often. Best not to question it.
Seven hours yesterday, nine today at weekend rates. My body's borked, and I've still to get up for a 7am start tomorrow, but that's my holiday paid for. #work
Stepped out of the mall after #work this afternoon to see this.
Feck I feel good today. Walking to #work, listening to Accelerate ( I felt better than I have done in twenty years.
Saw our old chum #TW at #work this afternoon. He looked quite sprightly, and seemed pretty cognitively sharp (well, no worse than me; it's all relative). That makes two old friends I've bumped into at work in recent weeks who aren't dead yet. Feeling pretty happy about that.
Hoping a cup-a-soup with a few generous dashes of tabasco, accompanied by a thick wodge of bread slathered in garlic butter, will get me into #work this afternoon.
#DoNotLike #SMS reminders of medical appointments that arrive at exactly the time of day I'm most likely to be called in to #work. Oh, my nerves. There I was, thinking I'd have to cancel the whole afternoon's lack of plans, and it was a false alarm.
Had to go into #work to tell the chap assembling the roster that I couldn't do Wednesday next week (and, tacitly, that I exist; nice but unexpected holiday I had last week). The smoke was all through the shopping mall. Could hardly see from one end to t'other. Lady in the off-licence said goodbye with "stay safe". Safe? I'm about to drink some of this cheap poisonous muck. Safety is a matter of degree. [*Cough*]
Doing the washing and cooking dinner at 11pm because #work. Not happy. Yes I made half the average week's income today but, unless I calm down, the dummy spit tomorrow might cause some unpleasantness. Plus, Everything Hurtz.
Not rostered on at #work for four days in a row. On the one hand, getting called in would be good for my bank balance, but on the other hand, the hand I slammed in between two trolleys yesterday, a long rest would be nice. Ow, that smarts.
Absolutely shattered. Day off #work tomorrow. Think I might give my todo list the day off as well, and just snooze.
Woo-hoo! Daylight saving starts in a week. #Kitty will wake me an hour later for breakfast! I get to walk home from #work in daylight!
I've been dying for a full day off #work for ages. Two o'clock in the afternoon, and I'm bored now.
8 hours at #work today. Shattered. Really must get a pedometer app or something to measure the number of steps I take per hour. Can't begin to imagine a way to measure the number of kilograms I lift/push.
Well, that was painful. After playing whack-a-mole with all the redundant processes, executables, /etc/cron* entries, etc., a bash script to stomp on the lot and immediately reboot for good measure saw off the script kiddies in time for #work today.
Been hors de combat for much of the week due to the minor ailments I gather round to shield me from any major ones, but just had six hours of lovely Sunday pay rate to make up for it. Walking home after dark I had an enormous bat (flying fox) wheeling round me, with a wingspan which seemed comparable to that of a pelican. They're chattering away all round my flat right now. T…
Unexpected bills on Monday rattled me. Realised that if Kitty needs a vet before #work picks up in the spring, I'll be borked. Applied for poor man's insurance, aka credit card, for the first time in my life. Will. Not. Use.
I hate being the last person to leave at #work, knowing that everything has to be just so for the person who is the first to arrive at 5:30am and all the people who depend on them. It's "Oh my god, I left the oven on!" anxiety times ten.