Notices tagged with name
How the Egyptian Mau #cat got its #name?
Dunno what I was dreaming about, or whether I was dreaming, or whether this counts as a #dream....
As I woke this morning, a phrase was `ringing' in my mind: "C. LATRANS".
Spent the rest of the journey to alertness trying to remember what a "c. latrans" was--"is that... a bacterium like `c. botulinum'? No.... What does it mean?"
Of course "canis latrans" is another #name for the #coyote.
What a strange experience....
I do love the origin story for the #POSIX #name, from #rms:
«The committee put on "IEEEIX" as the concise name. I did not think that was a good choice. It is ugly to pronounce—it would sound like a scream of terror, "Ayeee!" …»
How to get rid of "gnome document preview"? I don't like it, it's featureless and I can't select a printer. After downloading a pdf with iceweasel and clicking on the pdf in the download list I'd like evince or xpdf to appear instead. I can't figure out how to change this, I can't find this "gnome document previewer" in /etc/alternatives. Also I can't even intuitively figure…
@ossington ported the `ambiguously proper #name' problem from #German to #English:
yesterday I heard how my first #name was selected and the other alternatives. resumé: I like my current one
"I must think of: at the time I was not a #bot": so, before your #reincarnation into a virtual being what #name did your human parents give you?
@drysdam, how could I forget this #name: Debra Lynn Murdock.
@drysdam, more #historic #geekgirl #name suggestions: Delia, Amelia, Nitrozac.
@drysdam, the first #historic #geekgirl #name that comes to mind is "Hedy"; cf.