Notices tagged with hate
#Hate #TicketMaster. Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a fuckup.
Now back at work, dealing with code that steps on itself because of DST variable-frame-of-reference issues, I fucking #hate #DST again.
Actually, the 4 queens do this so the #baby's mother can't hear how her newborn son cries, it seems they must really #hate her :-(
Charged as #Hate Crime: #Muslim -hating woman in New York pushed #Indian man under subway train !Secular !USA
I sort-of #hate / #love when I start writing someone an e-mail to say `yeah, I'll get to that some time in the next week; will probably do it something like...' and then find I've written the whole damn program in the #e-mail. #oopsimdone
bump #hate
I think I #hate #Redmine.
I really #hate #digital #gauges. A lot.