Notices tagged with creativity
Fraktalize Love (fraktalize)'s status on Thursday, 11-Feb-2016 20:48:00 EST Fraktalize Love
tEChnOLOGICAL communion I am participating in the element14 Open Source Music Tech challenge! I'm making a suit that is designed to receive inputs from the wearers movements, to allow for music to be created with full body movement. This will later be joined with an array of generative music using electrodes on plants, to manifest a communication between humans and the plants using electr… -
Fraktalize Love (fraktalize)'s status on Thursday, 11-Feb-2016 20:48:00 EST Fraktalize Love
tEChnOLOGICAL communion I am participating in the element14 Open Source Music Tech challenge! I'm making a suit that is designed to receive inputs from the wearers movements, to allow for music to be created with full body movement. This will later be joined with an array of generative music using electrodes on plants, to manifest a communication between humans and the plants using electr… -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Wednesday, 01-Jan-2014 17:58:00 EST Joshua Judson Rosen
The #creativity deficit is worse than you think: #q "Those who urge us to “think different,”… almost never do so themselves. Year after year, new installments in this unchanging genre are produced and consumed. Creativity, they all tell us, is too important to be left to the creative." -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Wednesday, 20-Nov-2013 08:06:36 EST Joshua Judson Rosen
Interesting #book list `on #creativity': !eduposse -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Saturday, 02-Nov-2013 11:46:29 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
#q "Those who urge us to “think different,” in other words, almost never do so themselves. Year after year, new installments in this unchanging genre are produced and consumed. #Creativity, they all tell us, is too important to be left to the creative." !eduposse -
Joshua Judson Rosen
TED talks are lying to you
"Every book [on creativity seems] to boast the same shopworn anecdotes and the same canonical heroes.… If there is a non-fiction genre from which you have a right to expect clever prose and uncanny insight, it should be this one. So why is it so utterly consumed by formula and repetition?"
ghostdancer (ghostdancer)'s status on Saturday, 03-Aug-2013 11:17:55 EDT ghostdancer
♺ @laurelrusswurm: RT @rozzin “Your brain on !coffee vs. #beer“, #focus vs. #creativity: -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Saturday, 03-Aug-2013 10:08:41 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
"Your brain on !coffee vs. #beer", #focus vs. #creativity: -
Joshua Judson Rosen
Sir Ken Robinson: How Do Schools Suffocate Creativity? : NPR
Ken Robinson interviewed on the NPR TED Radio Hour.
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Sunday, 22-Jul-2012 17:06:58 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
Nina Paley's `The Cult of Originality' is another great introspective on #art, #creativity, and #communication: