Notices tagged with children
Preliminary: #children as infectious as #adults in the first days: #Corona
@bthall sent me this link: Nearly 100K new #COVID-19 cases among US children in last two weeks of July. [www nbcnews com]
Article notes that different states are using different definitions of “child”, so some cut it off at 14 years of age, while others may go as high as 24.
#2019-nCoV | #coronavirus | #children
Perhaps their conscience is calling on them for the Massacre at #Huế in #1968? "Victims were found bound, tortured, and sometimes apparently buried #alive. The estimated death toll was between 2,800 to 6,000 civilians and prisoners of war. Victims included women, men, #children, and #infants."
Robert Miles - #Children [Dream Version]
@question "But @when I gave him (the person monitoring #me) back the camera, he asked me !not to post a photo of his #face on the Internet." "He said he had a #wife and #children"
Some of the best #early-edu #toys are the ones that start + perpetuate #conversations between #children and their #parents.
Every 5th woman between 40 and 44 years has no #children, 2012 census Germany
I ♥ #SMBC's explanations of what it's like #teaching #children:
End religious exemption in order to protect #children (Philadelphia Enquirer) !secular !hrw
♻ @kuro #Newark archbishop allows #priest who admitted groping boy to continue working with #children !secular !USA
!GnuHealth at #UN #WSIS 2013: Improving #Children and Mothers lives with #FreeSoftware. !FSF #PrimaryCare #eHealth !GNU
The Cow Jumped Over the Moon?! Why #children love absurdism. !education
Guardian: School’s “World Religion Day” emphasises barriers between #children !education !secular