Notices tagged with baby
I #want a #T-shirt that says "Love the fucking baby yourself, you goddamn robot": #robot #baby #jmc #mccarthy #q
I saw the #baby the first time acting as a baby (helpless, in need of #help, crying, holding Mum, a sad face). I saw it a few times getting itself injured, but this was the first time with such a face expression :-( !memories
Actually, the 4 queens do this so the #baby's mother can't hear how her newborn son cries, it seems they must really #hate her :-(
The only idea I remember @palmella squashing was the one I had to mod the battery-powered #baby swing with a 110VAC mains/wall hookup.
@jc23tcg, consider: `Why Cry'—supposed to do #translation from #baby to #grownup....
The greatest thing in the world: when I play my #theremin, my #baby sings along—with matching pitch.