Notices tagged with au
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Apr-2020 07:10:02 EDT Matthew Davidson
Nobody does lockdown like #AU. Though when I were a lad it was called "Saturday afternoon". Locked down at Nana and Pop's art deco house with Adora Cream Wafers, Arnott's Savoury Shapes, and shag pile carpeting. -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Sunday, 26-Apr-2020 22:26:45 EDT Matthew Davidson
Urban foxes are great (keep your #cats indoors at night), but they're no kangaroos: #AU #lockdown -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Saturday, 25-Apr-2020 07:14:08 EDT Matthew Davidson
Brittanica? Sheer luxury! When I were a lad, before I stopped bothering with homework altogether, I used my mother's old sets of encyclopedia from the 1950's. There was one 8-volume set of world encyclopedia, and a 3-volume encyclopedia of Australia. Sri Lanka was called Ceylon, the sun never set on the Empire/Commonwealth, there was this awfully interesting new social system… -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Monday, 17-Feb-2020 00:48:10 EST Matthew Davidson
F-bomb Freddy, at the other end of the landing, is in fine voice today. Nothing serves so well as a reminder that one lives in #AU as someone farking saying farking farking all the farking time. -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Monday, 10-Feb-2020 05:14:50 EST Matthew Davidson
@tregeagle I love a bit of scaffolding. When I came of age, striped-shirt suspender-wearing yuppies were tearing down lovely old buildings all over #Sydney. Then suddenly the entrepreneurs were all in countries without extradition treaties with #AU, and their holes in the ground surrounded by scaffolding became permanent fixtures. Last I saw the holes were all replaced by App… -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Saturday, 14-Dec-2019 03:45:19 EST Matthew Davidson
The Cashless Welfare Card: #AU -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Saturday, 26-Oct-2019 08:12:14 EDT Matthew Davidson
@tregeagle @rpcutts I've relatives in Newcastle, apparently. My father was born there because apparently my grandmother thought moving from #AU to an industrial town within spitting distance of the channel was a sensible thing to do during the war. Some shrewd decision-makers in my family, myself among them in my own small way. -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Friday, 18-Oct-2019 22:30:02 EDT Matthew Davidson
#OMGA, this is all kinds of sexy. Bear in mind that, this being #AU, these photos were all taken in the last year or two. All these machines are humming along thanks to #NBN broadband. -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Monday, 14-Oct-2019 02:04:46 EDT Matthew Davidson
"Only Cask Wine From The Goon Region Allowed to Be Called Goon" #AU -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Wednesday, 25-Sep-2019 23:09:22 EDT Matthew Davidson
I used my mum's typewriter to write BASIC programs (I can't handwrite in monospace, so it never looked right otherwise) that I would then enter into the school computers at lunchtimes, so I used shift lock a lot. Ironically, this was on a Microbee, the #AU designed pre-PC micro which - uniquely for the time, I think - had proper lowercase characters due to an 8x16px character… -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Tuesday, 10-Sep-2019 06:01:33 EDT Matthew Davidson
'Bag-in-a-box packaging was used in America in 1955 to transport battery acid. Australian wine-makers were the first to grasp its potential as a wine container.' Makes ya proud. [Slurp] Hmm… Battery acid. Yes, I'm getting notes of that. And a refreshingly abrasive mouthfeel, followed by an invigorating involuntary shudder, and a finish which puts me in mind of that charming… -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Jul-2019 04:39:58 EDT Matthew Davidson
Ladies and gentlemen, #Queensland: #AU's #Florida. -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Monday, 01-Jul-2019 07:37:33 EDT Matthew Davidson
Sorry, I don't understand. 30℃ is the temperature #AU trains are heated to in winter, so that we can all continue to enjoy the toxic cocktail of fumes from soap, shampoo, deodorant, after shave, perfume, etc. to its fullest extent. It certainly makes the morning walk to the station along the trail of rancid slime dripped out of the garbage truck seem mild by comparison. -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Tuesday, 18-Jun-2019 04:32:35 EDT Matthew Davidson
@dick_turpin @andyc Indeed. As the child of loyal children of the Empire (I did my primary school projects from my mother's old 1950s encyclopedia, in which half the globe was indeed pink), you should hear me trying to do an authentic #AU accent. It's like the massed Bruces of the Philosophy Depaaaatment of the University of Woolloomooloo. #Python -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Saturday, 11-May-2019 04:06:16 EDT Matthew Davidson
@tregeagle #AU comedian Anthony Morgan. Made a lot of money one year, then it went off the rails. Very funny, but pre-Internet, so nobody knows him apart from old farts like me. -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Wednesday, 08-May-2019 02:39:47 EDT Matthew Davidson
I love a good remaindered bookshop. Used to be able to get great stuff that was never even published in #AU for the price of a couple of newspapers, because it came over in a container from the #UK. -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Friday, 19-Apr-2019 00:41:39 EDT Matthew Davidson
Could not design a library like this in #AU. That much sunlight would mean covers bleaching, glue crumbling, books falling to pieces. Not to mention an astronomical air conditioning bill. -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Tuesday, 09-Apr-2019 01:07:24 EDT Matthew Davidson
@tregeagle If you can think of a better way to monitor a bloke's Vegemite and tomato sauce levels in later life, I'd love to hear it. #AU -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2019 06:09:54 EDT Matthew Davidson
#OMGA. It looks like a Blue Peter competition entry, and not a winning one. Perhaps it's all an anti-forgery strategy. No self-respecting forger would want to create something so hideous. #AU -
Matthew Davidson (mjd)'s status on Saturday, 30-Mar-2019 23:46:08 EDT Matthew Davidson
In 1945, "Nugget" Coombes prepared a White Paper of Full Employment for the #AU gov. (Britain had a similar document): "In the worst period of the depression well over 25 per cent were left in unproductive idleness. By contrast, during the war no financial or other obstacles have been allowed to prevent the need for extra production being satisfied to the limit of our resourc…