Timeline for spammy list by rozzin, page 4
Thursday, 29-Nov-0001 19:00:00 EST
Interesting, but too spammy for my maine timeline....
Douglas A. Whitfield (musicman)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Dec-2021 17:55:23 EST Douglas A. Whitfield I still can't get to this site from anything but Safari. LOL -
LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} (lnxw48a1)'s status on Sunday, 05-Dec-2021 23:03:41 EST LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} https://marksrpicluster.blogspot.com/2021/05/36tb-pi-storage-server.html
I don't know that I'd build a single storage server that size with a !raspi ... unless I was building two of them and mirroring. -
LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} (lnxw48a1)'s status on Sunday, 21-Nov-2021 09:55:49 EST LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} Someone's progress report on running #BOINC on a !RasPi cluster http://marksrpicluster.blogspot.com/2021/11/7th-of-november.html [marksrpicluster blogspot com] -
Douglas A. Whitfield (musicman)'s status on Tuesday, 16-Nov-2021 18:01:23 EST Douglas A. Whitfield meh, no generation understands computers. An incredibly small subset of each generation understands an incredibly small subset of computers.
The difference between then and now is everyone has a few. -
Douglas A. Whitfield (musicman)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Nov-2021 17:10:18 EDT Douglas A. Whitfield no issues from phone.
I don't have this issue with any other site.
It's not VPN-related.
I would think some sort of browser caching, but...I've restarted the browser and used private modes. It's weird, but Safari works. I'm not concerned about it. -
Douglas A. Whitfield (musicman)'s status on Tuesday, 02-Nov-2021 14:52:53 EDT Douglas A. Whitfield Issyk Kul is bigger, but Karakul Lake is closer to China and much closer to disputed territories. The disputed territories in the west are already domestic and foreign issues. I highly doubt China is going to take Kabul, but if you look at a map of Afghanistan, you'll see why the Wakhan corridor shouldn't likely be a hard get. China's west needs water. That part of Afghanistan … -
LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} (lnxw48a1)'s status on Monday, 01-Nov-2021 11:35:54 EDT LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} "htyps" is the secure typos protocol. This should have been "https" instead. -
Douglas A. Whitfield (musicman)'s status on Monday, 01-Nov-2021 18:01:30 EDT Douglas A. Whitfield wouldn't be surprised if there's a revolt in the west of the country, but I don't think we'll see Roman-style civil war. A lot of that land in the west is disputed. The most likely scenario for Chinese involvement would be a Crimea-type seizure of the Wakhan Corridor Nature Refuge. Taking something like Tajikistan, or parts of it along with that would produce fewer headlines in… -
Douglas A. Whitfield (musicman)'s status on Monday, 01-Nov-2021 17:45:31 EDT Douglas A. Whitfield So, what I have I been up to? We hired a second person for our #Estonia office. Supposedly, #India is next and then no more "on call" which will be nice. That's gonna take a while though.
We got a #puppy.
still doing #CC Listening Parties at meet.jit.si/quarantinemusicchat every Sunday at 10am US Central.
many other things, but idk, those feel like the big ones. -
Douglas A. Whitfield (musicman)'s status on Monday, 01-Nov-2021 17:41:47 EDT Douglas A. Whitfield Safari works. Guess I found a use for it -
Douglas A. Whitfield (musicman)'s status on Monday, 01-Nov-2021 17:39:51 EDT Douglas A. Whitfield I can get to it in lynx, so not sure what is happening. Phone probably preferable to lynx but maybe I should set up vnc of ssh -X on my personal machine. Options -
Douglas A. Whitfield (musicman)'s status on Monday, 01-Nov-2021 17:34:12 EDT Douglas A. Whitfield Incognito mode also not helpful -
Douglas A. Whitfield (musicman)'s status on Monday, 01-Nov-2021 17:33:37 EDT Douglas A. Whitfield I guess bitdefender is picking it up as a spam site or something. Doesn't matter if Firefox or chrome -
Douglas A. Whitfield (musicman)'s status on Monday, 01-Nov-2021 17:32:56 EDT Douglas A. Whitfield That correlates perfectly with closing on a house. Yeah, it has been a wild couple of months but whatever the Mac is doing is the real reason -
Douglas A. Whitfield (musicman)'s status on Monday, 01-Nov-2021 17:31:16 EDT Douglas A. Whitfield Been two months. Oof -
Douglas A. Whitfield (musicman)'s status on Monday, 01-Nov-2021 17:28:14 EDT Douglas A. Whitfield My work Mac and federati do not seem to get along. On phone -
LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} (lnxw48a1)'s status on Friday, 29-Oct-2021 20:41:52 EDT LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} https://pibox.io/
This looks like a nice little project for Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4. It is a two-drive #NAS that runs on standard !RasPi operating systems instead of some storage vendor's proprietary OS.
It is still in development, not a finished product, and is targeted at tinkerers.
#rpi #raspberry_pi #cm4 -
LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} (lnxw48a1)'s status on Monday, 25-Oct-2021 20:59:30 EDT LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} The !raspi 4 does not have a model A. What if someone tried to convert a 4B into a 4A? https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2021/getting-raspberry-pi-boot-after-cutting-it-half [www jeffgeerling com] -
LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} (lnxw48a1)'s status on Tuesday, 07-Sep-2021 23:28:44 EDT LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} Someone linked me to the #NanoPi NEO2 https://www.friendlyarm.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=132 [www friendlyarm com]
It is too stripped down. Once you buy all the pieces needed to do anything with it, you are halfway to a much more capable !RasPi 4 kit.
So, no, I’m not buying any … for me or for anyone else. -
LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} (lnxw48a1)'s status on Tuesday, 07-Sep-2021 22:37:35 EDT LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} https://www.adafruit.com/product/3708
The !RasPi Zero WH adds back the GPIO headers. Useful if you want to use a serial console to log in.
Now that I had to do this with the Orange Pi Zero ( #OPZ ), I do not want to search for an unused monitor when setting a device up.