Timeline for engineer list by rozzin, page 30
Thursday, 29-Nov-0001 19:00:00 EST
I do like Death Wish !Coffee's branding and merch, like this "viking coffee horn": https://www.deathwishcoffee.com/products/death-wish-das-horn
#q «“Meh, it’s a cup of coffee,” he said after his first sip. Fifteen minutes later, he said, “I’m kinda high right now.”» !coffee https://status.hackerposse.com/url/18019
A comparative chart of caffeine-densities of 9 brands of !coffee, with McDonald's on the low end at 9.1 mg/floz and Death Wish at the high end with 54.2 mg/floz: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/caffeine-in-coffee_b_3671665
@rozzin The devices perform some kind of auto-negotiation to decide which way the power/data flows. But like everything automatic, it often fails. And devices rarely have a manual override.The most popular incident was probably with the first Type-C Macbooks in 2015. If you plugged an Android phone into them with a Type-C cable, the phone would charg…
... and putting our own kids to bed at the end of yet another exhausting day, I consider how much easier it is to make babies than it is to make adults. !parenting
@palmella helping out a friend who just gave birth reminds me how much easier it can be to put the babies in than to get them out...
So is USB Type C effectively a retraction of the original #foolproofing goals that led to the differentiated A-vs-B upstream-vs-downstream connectors, or what?
>grab type-c to type-a cable
>grab laptop
>plug type-a end into laptop type-a port
>plug type-c end into laptop type-c port
>laptop starts charging itself
I fucking did it. Unlimited power.
"The World's Strongest" !coffee? https://www.deathwishcoffee.com/
I got a funny #spam e-mail this morning via an old e-mail alias, and sent a funny response to it; their server refused to accept my message because of DMARC mis-alignment on my alias domain. What's the world coming to?
I know some people really prefer grinding !coffee "manually"... but I didn't think anyone was *this* hardcore...: https://status.hackerposse.com/attachment/18008
TO DO list:
1. wake up
2 drink !coffee
3. poop
4. be awesome
#strangebuttrue: The KISS daemon waffle maker https://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/product/pangea-home-kiss-demon-waffle-maker/1063716238
@normandy yes. The amount of times I've typed "git commit --ammend" is too damn high. On the flipside, I don't think I'll ever forget how to spell "amend".
That was a great talk, and it gave me a renewed appreciation for Baby Shampoo!
@bobbyc No, I haven't done this or any other MasterClass; this was the first one to catch my attention, too. I did really like Hadfield's #TEDtalk, "What I learned from going blind in space": https://www.npr.org/2014/05/23/312543097/how-do-you-deal-with-fear-versus-danger
@rozzin have you taken the class? I've wondered about Masterclass for a while now and this may be the class that pushes me over the edge.