Timeline for engineer list by rozzin, page 29
Thursday, 29-Nov-0001 19:00:00 EST
Mostly disappointed by the #CBLDF `Defend Comics' book this year: it had nothing inside to actually warrant the title—where the one we got last time nicely illustrated "what is #censorship, how you can fight it, and why we need to" in a way that was easy for kids to understand...
Took the kids to #FreeComicBookDay this weekend. Kind of a mixed bag....
I said to him, then: "You can't talk to her like that. Neither can I—remember that I stopped and apologized as soon as I noticed. I was cruel, and I was cowardly, and now I'm REALLY TRYING to make amends. Don't imitate what I do wrong—copy the ways I try to be and do good, not the ways I sometimes fail to. Copy the trying. Learn from the mistakes like I'm trying to, instead of repeating them. OK?" !parenting
The day *after* you lose your cool and scream at your wife..., when your son tells his mother to `be nice or I'll have to yell at you #like-daddy-did'. #meaculpa !parenting #fail
@drak see also "Occupy Babel!": https://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~sergey/langsec/occupy/ #langsec
Parsing JSON is a Minefield http://seriot.ch/parsing_json.php#41
I have wondered this myself...: Why isn't Titus Andronicus taught more often? https://teachingshakespeareblog.folger.edu/2009/10/30/why-isnt-titus-andronicus-taught-more-often/ !education #shakespear
#Openmoko #WikiReader #teardown: http://wiki.seabright.co.nz/wiki/WikiReader.html
Newton actually invented these 10 years earlier, but didn't sell them. https://twitter.com/drsekula/status/1068617043606470656/photo/1 https://chirp.cooleysekula.net/attachment/53010
And somehow a search for "klein socks" returns *lots of hits but not at all what I was expecting*....
Interestingly, websearches find many kinds of Einstein socks, but no Oppenheimer socks, Feynman socks.... And !TIL that #Einstein was the one that never wore #socks. #irony
@steve, those are pretty excellent socks!
It's the last lecture of the fall 2018 #PHYS1303 and what socks am I going to wear for my lecture, "Light and the Dark Cosmos"? Yer darn right they're my electric Einstein socks! https://twitter.com/drsekula/status/1068114822913564677/photo/1 https://chirp.cooleysekula.net/attachment/52981
Wombats #poop *cubes*!? https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2018/11/wombat-poop-cube-why-is-it-square-shaped/
Well, that has to be one of the most unexpected #crossover posts ever: "education, parenting, infosec, superpowers, poop":
Conversations with kids, about #umwelt, #superpowers, and #infosec:
"Why are they looking at me?"
"Because they heard you fart."
"Whhhhat do you mean?!?!"
"Hearing people can hear farts."
!education !parenting #poop !security