Wow! For !Debian, confidentiality related bugs are not security problems!
What bug are you referring to?
- - file printed on a wrong printer, accessible by other people. !Debian !CUPS
In the case of #711848, "For !Debian, confidentiality related bugs are not security problems!" is factually wrong in 2 aspects.
1) it's not !Debian, it's me as maintainer; 2) it's not a confidentiality bug. You're also unneccessarily mixing severity with security.
Confidential/private data can be made accessible to other people due to this bug. And security bugs should have RC severity. !Debian
And you're citing meaning that security bugs can be accepted in !Debian releases.
Security bugs are handled by the Security Team which (sometimes) decides to let security bugs in !Debian releases.
If you disagree with the severity, talk to the Release Team. If you disagree with the definition, talk to the Release Team.
Arguing on severities doesn't increase my incentive to work on the bug, much to the contrary. For no benefit. #facepalm