I am supposed to provide some seed questions for my two presentations. What are some questions you have about #CamelK, #Uyuni, #Spacewalk, #Foreman, or #Katello?
It is possible these questions are already answered in the presentation, but those should be easy for me to answer for you!
@musicman Other than “What is $SOFTWARE and what does it do and why use it instead of competitors?”, I don’t know enough about any of them to have any ‘@question’ s.
well, essentially Uyuni and Foreman are competitors. The answer to your question *is* my talk. Spacewalk is the ancestor of both Uyuni and Foreman. Katello is a (particularly important) foreman plugin. Now, as for the Camel K talk, neither my co-presenter nor I came up with the talk initially, so it's in large part not "our" talk, even though we created everything except the ab…