Students shouldn't be forced to use Zoom, Skype, and other nasty proprietary software to access an education. Support their #UserFreedom: sign our petition!
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Friday, 21-Aug-2020 10:21:16 EDT Free Software Foundation
- Adcock repeated this.
LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} (lnxw48a1)'s status on Friday, 21-Aug-2020 12:42:22 EDT LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864}
@adcock @fsf School districts don't listen to students, parents, or concerned community members, so correcting this must happen at the state and federal legislative level.