Are there any tech conferences looking for talks right now? I just thought of one I think a lot of people would like.
As I type, I realize I can just record it on YouTube, but still, perhaps I can tailor it a bit for specific audiences.
@musicman If it is general purpose enough, you might also post it on a #PeerTube instance.
@geniusmusing @musicman Incidentally, SeaGL is the Seattle GNU / Linux conference. I had to do a search to find that out, because it occurred to me that whatever it is you’re wanting to do a talk about should fit in with the topic of the particular conference. At least this one is fairly general. So, if for example, you wanted to do …
my YouTube stuff is all CC BY, so people can post wherever they like. Perhaps I will toss it on as well if I ever do it. Related post coming up...
"I am local to the Pacific Northwest" they seem to be giving preference to locals, but I can reuse the abstract.