@gameragodzilla Disney has shown they really want to write female leads, and they're really, really shit at it.
@gameragodzilla She actually has a character arc, which is more than whatsherface from The Force Awakens got, she just progresses from shit, to kind of shit.
@gameragodzilla Maybe they might manage "passably shit" with a few more tries.
@gameragodzilla I wonder how many of these obvious cash-ins there will have to be for people in general to start believing me when I say they are.
I mean, you can have a obvious cash-in still be GOOD, it's not mutually exclusive (I mean, that is a LOT of movie sequels to begin with, and not ALL movie sequels are shit). But people just don't want to hear it with Star Wars for whatever reason.
@verius @gameragodzilla For a story to be compelling you have to have a conflict that creates a challenge to be overcome. If there isn't something that feels like a legitimate challenge, then why would I care? But moreover, the characters just aren't compelling. They don't react like real humans would. I don't find some recognizable part of them that I identif…
@verius @gameragodzilla To say the least, but I wouldnt call it GOOD storytelling.
@verius @gameragodzilla No.