Notices tagged with twitter, page 17
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Wednesday, 01-Jan-2014 07:41:08 EST Erkan Yılmaz scrolling through the old messages at and thinking: thank the Goddess, it's not a backup server for #twitter anymore cc @question -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Tuesday, 31-Dec-2013 05:05:16 EST Erkan Yılmaz RT @stmediocrity #Imagine #twitter, but with #circles instead of #lists and with #statusnet integration (so you can follow non-twitter microblogs). -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Monday, 30-Dec-2013 11:35:14 EST Joshua Judson Rosen Using #GNUSocial to follow @kfogel on #twitter because I can't follow him on anymore. What's wrong with this picture? -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Thursday, 26-Dec-2013 10:19:54 EST Erkan Yılmaz about the #twitter problem (1): one could also forward statusnet messages via #external service to twitter: (2). (1) (2) -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Saturday, 21-Dec-2013 13:29:21 EST Erkan Yılmaz Ich hab' mich bei #twitter eher weniger gestört darüber und wenn mein Namensvetter sich gestört fühlte, hätte er die jeweiligen, ihm unbekannten twitter-Benutzer ja blocken können. Aber wahrschl. freut es ihn eher, weil ja sein "rating" dadurch steigt ;-) -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Saturday, 21-Dec-2013 07:13:10 EST Erkan Yılmaz RT @freiefunken Ich kann mich nicht entscheiden: Ab 2014 nur noch #friendica? Friendica mit Twitterbrücke oder den Abgang von #Twitter weiter aufschieben? -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Wednesday, 13-Nov-2013 23:05:55 EST Joshua Judson Rosen @mmn, #BBS's are so much cooler than #Twitter. You should get on #GNUSocial or #StatusNet. -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Sunday, 10-Nov-2013 14:41:15 EST Joshua Judson Rosen Cripes, #Twitter *still* has no viable business plan? Didn't they just do an #IPO? -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Friday, 08-Nov-2013 07:17:33 EST Erkan Yılmaz trend from your home timeline (where you follow 319 users): #SN #RSS #twitter | #firefox #RC4 | #fediverse #tzag | #fscons | #listening | #robot -
lohang (lohang)'s status on Thursday, 07-Nov-2013 21:09:42 EST lohang Taking down the site again. Hope to bring it back soon. I got a temporary account on !fediverse at And I am also on #twitter -
lohang (lohang)'s status on Thursday, 07-Nov-2013 21:09:42 EST lohang Taking down the site again. Hope to bring it back soon. I got a temporary account on !fediverse at And I am also on #twitter -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Thursday, 07-Nov-2013 20:21:08 EST Joshua Judson Rosen Oh, #twitter. Why must you assume that everyone named @mmn is the same person? -
betamax65 (betamax65)'s status on Saturday, 02-Nov-2013 12:37:47 EDT betamax65 Hmmm @Piraten Hamburg benutzen #Friendica wohl auch nur zum spiegeln der #Twitter Post. Das ist wie Wasser predigen und Wein saufen! -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Monday, 04-Nov-2013 12:00:04 EST Erkan Yılmaz "the #intelligence community ... own internal social media network called #eChirp, which is patterned after #Twitter." "project started as a pilot program in #2009 and expanded to the entire U.S. intelligence community in 2010." via @cryptoron -
betamax65 (betamax65)'s status on Saturday, 02-Nov-2013 12:37:47 EDT betamax65 Hmmm @Piraten Hamburg benutzen #Friendica wohl auch nur zum spiegeln der #Twitter Post. Das ist wie Wasser predigen und Wein saufen! -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Sunday, 29-Sep-2013 22:16:05 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen Also #amazed how #twitter has so many options for keeping track of how people talk _about_ me, but so few for when people talk _to_ me. -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Sunday, 29-Sep-2013 22:09:24 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen The most amazing thing about #twitter: it somehow manages to be both read-only and write-only at the same time. #amazed -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Sunday, 29-Sep-2013 22:06:00 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen #Amazed at how broken #twitter's interaction model seems to be—seems to be designed for people who just want to _talk_ without having to hear responses they weren't expecting. -
postblue (postblue)'s status on Sunday, 22-Sep-2013 15:24:17 EDT postblue I think you have to subscribe with your #twitter account linked to your !sn / #gnusocial account. -
larjona (larjona)'s status on Monday, 15-Jul-2013 13:05:50 EDT larjona Ahora µblogueo desde así llego a !vivalafederation y a #Twitter ; y me une quitter a #identica /cc @cntmadridinform