Notices tagged with twitter, page 11
Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at (bobjonkmanformer)'s status on Thursday, 28-Jul-2016 17:12:18 EDT Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at
♻ @FredericJacobs EU wants to forbid decryption & reverse-engineering of encryption schemes? But by whom? ¶ via #Twitter -
Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at (bobjonkmanformer)'s status on Sunday, 24-Jul-2016 19:40:55 EDT Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at
♻ @nataljaChe @rudolf_olah examines current online #privacy & liberty landscape @toronto anarchist #bookfair @src_contribute ¶ via #Twitter !LibrePlanet -
Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at (bobjonkmanformer)'s status on Saturday, 23-Jul-2016 10:22:22 EDT Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at
♻ @chaslinux Older but awesome article on finding photo dupes in !Linux by @CarlaSchroder . Mad Command-line skills: ¶ via #Twitter - Hey, @LaurelRusswurm, you could use this! -
Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at (bobjonkmanformer)'s status on Friday, 15-Jul-2016 03:49:34 EDT Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at
Happens to me regularly (I maintain a number of #Twitter accounts for organizations, eg. @kwlug ) Not all those orgs have phone numbers. But the Twitter Overlords have been pretty good about unlocking accounts for me. Perform the Administrivia at -
馬鹿野狐(ばかやこ)✔ (takeshitakenji)'s status on Monday, 13-Jun-2016 10:48:41 EDT 馬鹿野狐(ばかやこ)✔
@nbd @maiyannah It's basically the #Twitter bot problem migrating to !gnusocial. -
Bob Jonkman (bobjonkman2)'s status on Friday, 27-May-2016 20:39:15 EDT Bob Jonkman
@zoowar Pfft! #Twitter gives me nothing but grief. Yes, post the occasional message there, but I definitely prefer the !Fediverse -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Saturday, 02-Apr-2016 05:31:20 EDT MMN-o ✅⃠
@takeshitakenji @kro Yeah, I think #Twitter wants monopoly on controlling links, spying and -
Alberto (moshpirit)'s status on Wednesday, 16-Mar-2016 09:47:23 EDT Alberto
I'm viewing some photos of @makitadoge and I think I'm falling in love.
OMG, I've just seen he's just followed me and I'm imaging him following me like in the countryside.
This is one of those things why !gnusocial >>>>>>>>>>>> #Twitter. -
Alberto (moshpirit)'s status on Wednesday, 16-Mar-2016 09:47:23 EDT Alberto
I'm viewing some photos of @makitadoge and I think I'm falling in love.
OMG, I've just seen he's just followed me and I'm imaging him following me like in the countryside.
This is one of those things why !gnusocial >>>>>>>>>>>> #Twitter. -
futt's status on Tuesday, 08-Mar-2016 09:59:48 EST futt
First attempt at an install-guide; for those who want to run their own !gnusocial node on Debian/Ubuntu-based !linux distributions with Nginx + !letsencrypt SSL, #Twitter bridge. Comments/corrections welcome. -
Alberto (moshpirit)'s status on Monday, 07-Mar-2016 14:00:48 EST Alberto
@perro @drymer @alejandroindependiente in this queet we are highlighted :) About RSS: I don't know how to but you can ask !gnusocial. Here's some information about it: - valid for a server who has already enabled the #TwitterBridge plugin. is not one of them, sorry. -… -
Scott Sweeny (ssweeny)'s status on Sunday, 28-Feb-2016 17:51:59 EST Scott Sweeny
Interesting to see how the !gnusocial network is handling all those #Twitter expats. Encouraging that so many admins are taking harassment and hate speech seriously. -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Sunday, 28-Feb-2016 14:03:59 EST MMN-o ✅⃠
@attila The .json endpoint is pretty sucky. It's modeled to be compatible with the #Twitter API and that simply sucks and has no federation features in mind. By specification the profile URI can't be designated to relate to any specific instance, since it can be any string of characters. But effectively in the current implementations at least, we rely on the URIs being… -
attila (attila)'s status on Sunday, 28-Feb-2016 08:12:18 EST attila
@drymer Of course many of the links I follow from !gnusocial look fine in w3m. Same not true of #twitter #accessibility -
Bob Jonkman (bobjonkman2)'s status on Thursday, 25-Feb-2016 15:34:19 EST Bob Jonkman
@echosa It's not the fault of those people, but the closed apps that run every proprietary service. If #GooglePlus and #Facebook were available using a standard #XMPP client the average user wouldn't care either, but they would have the ability to mix'n'match their discussion no matter where it took place. Those services would then also be in competition with each other, leading … -
Andrei Cristian Petcu (andreicristianpetcu)'s status on Wednesday, 24-Feb-2016 17:31:57 EST Andrei Cristian Petcu
@drymera proprietary web service that turns rss into twitter/facebook posts. I want to mirror my !gnusocial feed to #twitter and I tried but it kind of sucks -
Andrei Cristian Petcu (andreicristianpetcu)'s status on Wednesday, 24-Feb-2016 15:56:29 EST Andrei Cristian Petcu
what #quitter instances have the #twitter bridge? !gnusocial? I'm trying out #twitterfeed and it adds my username in all the posts and it seems a little redundant