@postblue indexes must be done to the value really used in WHERE part . Maybe notice.profileid , notice.conversantion . I don't have a lot with mysql-tuner but maybe because i'm alone (and then surely profileid). !gnusocial .
I think we should do whatever !xmpp does with usernames. There are many lessons to be learned there (unicode treachery etc.) Also, yes I think URLs, as it is in !GNUsocial already, should be possible to mention. Not just acct: style URIs. I think it's important to remember that some users may want just their domain name as identifier for example, which btw makes parsi…
Il fait chaud. Mais encore un peu plus. C'est vendredi soir et je suis content de ma semaine. Donc, hop, je bois ma dernière bière au frigo. Ce qui fait que je suis plus motivé pour me servir une absinthe, pour une fois avec de l'eau, fraîche.
Du coup, je commence à être bien bourré, là. C'est tout de la faute à la canicule et au réchauffement climatique !
Trying to fix my !gnusocial image embedding problem, I've moved to a fresh install of the nightly build and run the following commands: scripts/stopdaemons.sh git pull cd plugins/Qvitter/ git pull cd ../../ php scripts/upgrade.php php scripts/checkschema.php php scripts/clean_file_table.php -y php scripts/delete_orphan_files.php -y php scripts/remove_duplicate_file_urls.php -y php p…
@celesteh Maybe can try ; 1. stop the daemon (if you have it) /scripts/stopdaemons.sh 2. check DB error /scripts/checkschema.php (but it must be done at end of the upgrade) 3. scripts/clean_file_table.php -y 4. scripts/delete_orphan_files.php -y 5. scripts/remove_duplicate_file_urls.php -y 6. plugins/OStatus/scripts/fixup-shadow.php 7. scripts/fixup_deletions.php 8.…
@shnoulle Oui, des personnes qui étaient partie de !gnusocial sont revenues dans le !fediverse grâce à #Mastodon, c'est vraiment chouette de les avoir retrouvées !
@gordon Oui, j'utilise !gnusocial depuis des années maintenant, et là j'en ai un peu marre d'assister à une guéguerre de pacotille entre positions qui cherchent à s'affirmer le plus fortement en devenant des caricatures d'elles-mêmes, mots copieux en prime. ;) De ma petite Belgique, j'ai l'impression que le lâcher d'invectives à la gueule est l'e-sport national français. :D
I am still having a problem where my !gnusocial server is not loading images posted by mastodon users. I have (finally) just updated to the nightly build and it has not solved the problem. I have the oembed plugin enabled. Is there some setting I may have wrong?
I'd like something like Twidere, but on my linux desktop, so I could post things on !gnusocial and twitter simultaneously. But I still haven't found what I'm looking for.
I remember that some time ago I read about a script/tool to delete all messages older than X days on !gnusocial but I can't find it anymore. Does anyone know what I mean and has a link for me? Thanks!