Joshua Judson Rosen's home timeline
I am on my way home to # Canada from # Vienna . Currently on a short layover in # Frankfurt . # Vienna was wonderful and the # TAUP2023 conference was amazing. Attached is a photo from the conference dinner, held in the city hall. It was a remarkable venue for dinner.
The current age of # GravitationalWave astronomy is breathtaking. The next age will be mind blowing. Between # LISA and at least one large-scale ground-based # Laser # Interferometer , plus the # Pulsar Network and # Cosmic # Microwave # Background approaches, there will be coverage from the Planck scale/birth of the universe to the merging of # Sueprmassive # BlackHoles and even # Supernova explosions. # TAUP2023
Had a great time presenting the # HALO Collaboration poster on a preliminary look at neutron multiplicity in "bursts" in our detector. A burst is a sequence of neutrons (3 or more) that lie within 3ms. Had great conversations with the people that stopped by the poster session today. Check out the poster: https:// ontributions/5445885/
I am really excited about the effort from experiments like # ANAIS and # COSINUS to definitely understand the "quenching factor" of sodium iodide crystals. NaI has appeared in many experiments, and increasingly in # darkmatter experiments. The QF relates energy in electrons (usually what you see in an experiment) to the energy of the original nuclear recoil. The QF is ess…
Lessons from the # TAUP conference: 1. The fundamental nature of the neutrino, as a fermion, is a crucial goal … and one that continues to prove challenging. 2. The cosmic microwave background has at least two big questions left, and they are hard: what is the polar structure of the light itself, and what can gravitational microlensing of that light tell us about large-scale structure of the more recent universe?
From on Mastodon: Want to know what my research is about? Follow this thread 🧵 based on a 10min talk I've drawn for a meeting. The talk was aimed at non-specialist space science colleagues (not the general public!). The slides were built up step by step, but I'm omitting this here
From on Mastodon: Katherine Johnson passed away in 2020, at the age of 101. Editorial cartoonist Steve Breen’s lovely tribute perfectly captured Johnson’s contributions to the US space program. Credit: Steve Breen Source: https://www. on/steve-breen/story/2020-02-24/katherine-johnson-nasa-mathematician-dies-at-101
Hello, # Vienna !
Getting ready to depart # Toronto for # Vienna ! Had a nice afternoon in the airport enjoying decaf coffee and chamomile tea while reading up on dark matter "freeze-in", one of the theoretical mechanisms by which a population of dark matter would be locked into the universe after the Big Bang.
From jodi on Mastodon: Before leaving Whitby, I hand to make one last stop at the @WhitbyMuseum to see the Zeplin-III experiment that operated in the @BoulbyLab many years ago.
From jodi on Mastodon: I’ve arrived in Vienna and can’t wait for the start of # TAUP2023 !
From on Mastodon: Maths is easy Translation by @ BANobleofficial
My companion on the journey to # Vienna today for the # TAUP conference (Topics in # Astroparticle and Underground # Physics ). I have been looking forward to reading this for weeks. I read when I travel, so my pace is very slow to work through books.
From on Mastodon: at long last, my research group’s motto on display in my office
From jodi on Mastodon: I am having a lovely morning waiting for my ride for my visit to the @BoulbyLab, the UK underground science laboratory.
From on Mastodon: The Death of Lisp (144 points, 100 comments)
From on Mastodon: India becomes the fourth country to land a spacecraft on the Moon Chandrayaan 3 landed closer to the Moon's south pole than any previous mission. https:// india-becomes-the-fourth-country-to-land-a-spacecraft-on-the-moon/?utm_brand=arstechnica
From on Mastodon: The deployment of the rover of the lander of # Chandrayaan3 : https:// atus/1694388573196386667 . And there is also a cellphone video of the scene: https:// 1694383203895972327 - sadly there was/is no webcast now ...
Bonjour, # Toronto ! I have a nice layover here before heading to # Sudbury .