Andrew Ridgway (armistace)'s status on Friday, 03-Jun-2016 20:07:43 EDT Andrew Ridgway
have you guys heard about this! I have had the same pgp key for years now does this I mean I possibly need to change? !gnusocial #privacy #pgp -
Bob Jonkman (bobjonkman2)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jun-2016 01:54:57 EDT Bob Jonkman
You don't need to change your GnuPG/PGP key, but instead of referring to it by its short ID (4 bytes, 8 chars, 32 bits) just use its long ID (8 bytes, 16 chars, 64 bits). Analogy: Don't just call me Bob, call me BobJonkman. From a presentation I gave some years ago: