@pettter Fortunately stuff like Enigmail integration in Thunderbird/Icedove, Evolution in itself, Seahorse integration in Nautilus etc. make OpenPGP pretty darn easy to use. The web of trust is still hard, because it _must_ involve manual interaction (unless you've got more or less a brain wave interface), but OpenPGP itself is pretty darn easy nowadays. As long as you…
- Joshua Judson Rosen likes this.
@pettter Are there any other crypto tools/algorithms out there that can even form a web of trust? If anyone wants to use decentralised trust, I highly doubt any user experience will be better than with modern #OpenPGP tools.
So while it may be hard to use, at least it works. And thus is far from useless. At least if you prefer to avoid centralised control over secure communication.
@pettter I believe the main issue is that the definition of "hard to use" is "type a secret passphrase" and as long as we don't have the magic brain wave interface, that's not going to change radically - regardless of crypto technology. Perhaps the definition of "hard to use" could change if we stopped thinking that "[whatever from Open Whisper Systems] == effortless m…
@pettter Today I replied to an unencrypted email about software I used to develop. I typed the reply, I pressed Send (encrypt+sign were pre-checked) and Enigmail said "I don't know the key for this email". I pressed a single button that said "Download unknown key" or something and was presented with a verification dialogue window. I pressed OK and afterwards filled in …
@mmn Maybe Moxie can sit and look over my shoulder and say "I THINK YOU ARE TYPING AN EMAIL" and give me handy suggestions on how to continue my writings:
@pettter "OpenPGP key management" -> your key is in bold, right click it -> "revoke key". Publish the revocation and voilà. When the remote side refreshes their key store they'll know it's not valid anymore.