@palmella, let me in the house! Let me in! I'm out front!!!
- MMN-o ✅⃠ likes this.
- MMN-o ✅⃠ repeated this.
@arthur, how the hell did you get out front? Didn't @palmella let you out into the *back* yard!?
@rozzin Doges like teh jumpin'!
@rozzin @palmella the gate is unlocked! It's all ONE BIG YARD OUTSIDE NOW! And OUTSIDE IS REALLY BIG NOW! I'M SCARED! TOO MUCH FREEDOM!
@rozzin You should teach @arthur to go shopping groceries and stuff, now that he's discovering the big world outside. Any stores nearby accepting #dogecoin?
Whoah. Thanks for finding that hole and reporting it! Good doge! #fulldisclosure
OK, @arthur: I just fixed that lock so the world can't get into the garden. And also so you can't escape the garden into the big Internet.
@arthur I mean *world*, not Internet--I fixed that lock so you don't need to worry about the big world outside.
@rozzin why u censor doge @arthur from internets???
@rozzin good, because on the internet noone knows one's a dog, so @arthur'll be safe here with us. Unless he goes around barking to people about being a dog and all, using the #wherethedogsare account.