Announcing the Collaborative Technology Alliance, aspiring to do the same for the web that FSF did for the PC:
- Joshua Judson Rosen and Bob Mottram like this.
- Bob Mottram repeated this.
@strypey I think #hubzilla already covers some of this, but there's certainly more to be done
@strypey the really innovative stuff would be crowdsourced planning and task allocation. I expect this will surpass classical engineering.
@strypey you could have many people volunteer to do small tasks, then apply AI planning methods to find critical paths to the goal
@strypey Hubzilla is quite general and probably it's main feature is being able to be quite specific about exactly what you share with who
@strypey you also have things like additional encryption, E2EE, polls, galleries and files, a dislike button and different privacy groups
@strypey differing from Diaspora you have a calendar and can create events. I think that's planned in Diaspora, but not yet implemented
@strypey the privacy groups in #hubzilla were more confusingly previously just known as "collections"
@strypey I've seen Tent mentioned in the past, but I don't know of anything which uses it.