emacsclient -e '(progn (switch-to-buffer "")(insert (concat "\n#+BEGIN_QUOTE\n" "%s" "\n#+END_QUOTE\n\n")))' #klipper !emacs !kde
@arnebab That looks suspiciously like reinventing !emacs #emacsclient :)
@wgreenhouse #emacsclient is part of #emacs?
@wgreenhouse that’s !emacs integration in !KDE. I copy/select some text in KDE, then hit F6 to trigger the actions and choose save-as-quote.
@arnebab considered using emacsclient + an org capture template and (require 'org-protocol)? It's more directly designed for that case.
I could do that, but I really needed something quicker. Switching programs while reading a PDF throws me out of the reading flow.
#emacsclient calls the #emacsdaemon to trigger the action in my current !emacs window.
@arnebab Or call #emacsclient with --create-frame for a new !emacs window.