Somebody has one VSFTPd server running in your house behind one ADSL Router? Can you give me a hand, please? This drive me crazy !gnu !linux
@ravenman I used a #VSFTPd in my house behind an ADSL router. "NATing" is the problem? or configuring the server?
@cnngimenez Yes, the problem is "NATing", maybe. Because from my LAN, the server works perfectly.
@ravenman then all depends on the model of the modem and its web interface.Try opening two ports 21 and 22 and terget them to your local IP
@cnngimenez I put my machine in the DMZ (e. g. my SSH connection works fine). I need to open ports in the router, anyway?
@ravenman don't have your exact set up but do have experience with FTP and other servers on DSL. Feel free to pm me if no help arrives.
I'd definitely try what l_altro_mondo suggests. Try reaching your network from outside. I usually use tor.